HO CHI MINH Selected Works ==========第1页========== HO CHI MINH SELECTED WORKSIV ==========第2页========== HIM H0 OI 50v(2302176 ==========第3页========== HO CHI MINH SELECTED W○RKS VOLUME IV HANOIFOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE ↓962 ==========第4页========== H⊥NHOH CHToH3C PERIOD FROM THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF PEACE IN JULY 1954 TO THE KaMOV THIRD NATIONAL CONGRESS OFTHE VIET NAM WORKERS, PARTY HELD IN SEPTEMBER 1960 IOMAr 69 ==========第5页========== CONTENTS 090015 1954 HOAZS MO SMRENTHA24 Page HwOTeeer 1Uu Vi Appeal made after the successful conclusion of the Geneva Agreements July 22) 17 分000AOA Welcoming the International Commission for Super- vision and Control (August 13) 21 Appeal on the occasion of the celebration of the August Revolution and National Day (September 25 Addressing the conference reviewing the first landreform drive at Thai nguyen( September 12) 32 Letter to southern soldiers, cadres and their families,regrouped in the North(September 22) Advice given to army units before taking over Hanoi(October) 37 Appeal on the occasion of the liberation of the capital ty(october 10) 39 peech delivered to public employees of the former S administration who have remained in Hanoi( November 30) 42 Reply to the French paper Regards(December 19)..45ppeal on the day commemorating the nation-wide r Resistance w ==========第6页========== Speech at the ceremony to lay wreaths on the ceno- Talk with the new army heroes(August 31) 1 taph in memory of the fallen patriotic fighters Appeal on the day commemorating the tenth anni (December 31) 50 ry of the founding of the D R( September 2) 108 Tenth anniversary of National day of the Democrati 1955 Republic of Viet Nam (September) Speech greeting the New Year and welcoming the Viet Address to the closing session of the Viet Nam 126 Nam Workers Party Central Committee and Fatherland Front congress(September). the Government on their return to the capital Letter to teachers, students, youth organisations, cadres (anuary 1). 52 and children (October 31).... 130 Talk at the opening of the People's University (a- Appeal for emulation to increase production and n19) practise thrift in 1956 (December 19). 133 ppeal for competition in production and thrift in the Spring season(February 5) 61 1956 Letter to the conference of medical workers( February) 63 Message on the occasion of the opening of the Hanoi New Years greeting 137 Muc Nam Quan railway line( February 27) 65 Telegram to the 20th congress of the Communist Party Speech closing the 7th enlarged session of the Ce Central of the Soviet Union(February) 143 Committee of the Viet Nam Workers'Party Speech at the meeting of Hanoi people to welcome the ( March12).、, Delegation of the Soviet Government(April) Leninism and the liberation of oppressed peoples Speech closing the 9th enlarged session of the CApril 18 72 Central Committee of the viet Nam Workers Excerpt from a speech delivered at the National Con Party (April 24) gress of mutual aid teams(May 6 Letter to the cadres from South Viet Nam regrouped Letter to the compatriots in the Thai-Meo Autonomous in the North (June 19) 157 Reglon(May 7) 88 Letter to the Vietnamese people throughout the Talk with the peoples representatives Haiphong country b2):m(55yM,162 city (une 2) 91 Instructions given at the conference reviewing the Report on the visit of the Delegation of the Govern- mass education in the first half of 1956 (July 16). 166 ment of the D.R.v.N. to the Soviet Union and the Talk with intellectuals attending the political course People's Republic of China(July 23) of the Viet Nam People's University (July 21).. 173 Talk at the conference to increase production and fight Consolidation and development of ideological unity famine (July) 100 among Marxist-Leninist parties (August 3)... 179 10 ==========第7页========== Letter to compatriots in the viet Bac autonomous Speech at the extraordinary session of the Supreme egion(August 10) 188 Soviet of the U.s.s.R. on the 40th anniversary othe October Revolution(November 6 280 Letter to the peasants and cadres on the successful completion of land reform in the North(August 18)190 Appeal on the occasion of National Day(September 194 1958 Excerpt from the speech at the National congress ofthe Viet Nam Youth Union(October 15) 198 New Years greetings (January) 285 Excerpt from the speech at the National congress of Speech at a mass rally in New Delhi(February 6). 290 o the Viet Nam Labour Youth Union(November 2). 204 Talk at a press conference in Rangoon( February 16). 295 New situation and immediate tasks of the Army(March) 301 1957 Speech at the inaugural meeting of the 8th session ofthe National Assembly (April) peech at the Trade Union School (January 19) Speech greeting labour heroes and emulation fighters 208 (July 7) 313 Report to the meeting of representatives of the Hanoi people on the success of the 6th session of the Letter to the Viet Nam people,'s congress for the defence of peace (August 16).. 319 National Assembly( First legislature)( February 15) 215 Telegram greeting the Provisional Government of the Answer to a correspondent of the Hungarian News Republic of Algeria( September 27) 322 Agency (February 19) 223 Telegram to the President of the Republic of Guinea Appeal on the occasion of International Labour Day (October 9) 323 (May 1) 226 Instructions given at the meeting for ideological re- Excerpt from a talk with the cadres and workers of the 3Speech at the congress of cultural workers(October 30) moulding of general and field officers(May 16).231 Hanoi Engineering Plant(December 25) 328 Speech greeting President K. E. Voroshilov at thebanquet given in his honour (May 20) 235 Talk on the occasion of the 12th Anniversary of the 101958 founding of the D R V.N. (September 2) 238 Speech opening the first theoretical course of nguyen Triumph of proletarian friendship anuary) 332 Ai Quoc School (September 7) 248 Preface to the Russian edition of Ho Chi Minh, a selection of writings and speeches 335 The October Revolution and the liberation of thepeoples of the East(November 6) ,260 Talk with the people of Surabaya(March 5). 340 12 13 ==========第8页========== Tallk the Conference of Trade Union cadres a? The path which led me to Leninism (April) 448 ( March14)..·.· 0346 Speech at the Hanoi People's congress greeting the Talk at a meeting in Chau Thuan (May 7 353 Hanoi candidates to the National Assembly Appeal to the toiling peasants enthusiastically to join (April 24) 451 work exchange teams and co-operatives, and to Speech opening the Third National congress of the emulate with one another to improve technique Viet Nam Workers' Party (September 5) 455 and step up production(August) 358 Instructions given at the All North Viet Nam water Speech closing the Third National congress of the no conservancy conference held at, Bac Ninh(Sept- Viet Nam Workers' Party (September 10). 465 ember 14) 362 Greetings on the 10th Anniversary of the foundationof the People's Republic of China(September 28)366 Excerpt from a talk at a cadres' meeting debating thedraft law on marriage and the family(October)..370 Reply to the n Japanese journalist: Shira Ishi Bon1(October). .373 Excerpt from a speech delivered at the meeting reviewing the managerial work of agricultural producers' co-operatives( November). 378 To joyfully celebrate the anniversary of the great October Revolution 382 Our Party has struggled very heroically and wonglorious victories (November 28) 391 Report on the draft amended Constitution roson( December 18) 399 1880 Speech opening the ceremony commemorating the 30thfoundation anniversary of the Party (antary 5).424 Thirty years of activity of the Viet Nam Workers'Party 430 Message to women throughout the country on theoccasion of the 50th anniversary of Internationalo women's day(March 8)..,..f,..,i.446 15 ==========第9页========== APPEALMADE AFTER THE SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSIONOF THE GENEVA AGREEMENTS Compatriots all over the country, Armymen and cadre The Geneva Conference has come to an end. It is agreat victory for our diplo On behalf of the Government, I cordially make thefollowing appeal I For the sake of peace, unity, independence anddemocracy of the Fatherland, our people, armymen, cadresand government have, during these eight years or so,joined in a monolithic bloc, endured hardship and overcome all difficulties to resolutely carry out the Resistanceand have won many brilliant victories. On this occasion,on behalf of the Government, I cordially congratulate you,from North to South. I respectfully bow to the memory ofhe armymen and people who have sacrificed their lives IICM 17 ==========第10页========== for the Fatherland, and send my homages of comfort to the liberated by us, will now be temporarily occupied by the wounded and sick armymen French troops before they leave for France This great victory is also due to the support given usin our just struggle by the peoples of our brother countries, by This is a necessity North, Central and South viet the french people and the peace-loving people of the world Nam are territories of ours. Our country will certainly be Thanks to these victories and the efforts nade by the unified, our entire people will surely be liberated. deiegation of the Soviet Union at the Berlin Conference, Our compatriots in the South were the first to wage negotiations were opened between our country and france the war of Resistance. They possess a high political cons t the Geneva Conference. At this conference the struggle ciousness. I am confident that they will place national of our delegation and the assistance given by the delegations nterests above local interests, permanent interests above of the Soviet Union and China have ended in a great temporary interests and join their efforts with the entire victory for us the French government has recognized the people in strengthening peace, achieving unity, independ independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of ence and democracy all over the country. The Party, Govern our country it has agreed to withdraw French troops from ment and I, always follow the efforts of our people and our country, etc we are sure that our compatriots will be victorious From now on, we must make every effort to conso 3- The struggle to consolidate peaee and achieve lidate peace and achieve reunification, independence and reunification, independence and democracy, is also a long democracy throughout our country and hard struggle. In order to carry the day, our people, 2- In order to re-establish peace, the first step to from North to South, must unite take is that the armed forces of both parties should closely. They must be at one in thought and deed cease fire We are resolved to abide by the agreements entered The regroupment in two regions is a temporary mea into with the French Government. At the same time we sure; it is a transitional step for the implementation of the demand that the French Government should correctly armistice and restoration of peace, and paves the way for implement the agreements they have signed with us national reunification through general elections, Regroup We must do our utmost to strengthen peace, and be ment in regions is in no way a partition of our country vigilant to check the manceuvres of peace wreckers. neither is it an administrative division We must endeavour to struggle for the holding of free During the armistice, our army is regrouped in the general elections throughout the country to reunify our North, the French troops are regrouped in the South, that territory. is to say, there is a change of regions. A number of regions We must exert all our efforts to restore, build, streng which were formerly occupied by the French, now become then and develop our forces in every field so as to attain o:Ir free zones, Vice versa, a number of regions formerly complete independence. 18 19 ==========第11页========== We must do our utmost to carry out social reforms inorder to improve our people's livelihood and realize genuine democracy We further tighten our fraternal relations with Cam- bodia and laos We strengthen the great friendship between us and the Soviet union. China and other brother countries. To maintain peace, we enhance our solidarity with the Frenchpeople, the Asian people and people all over the world 4-I call on all our compatriots, armymen and cadres WELCOMING THE INTERNATIONAL to strictly follow the lines and policies laid down by the Party and Government, to struggle for the consolidation o COMMISSION FOR SUPERVISION peace, and the achievement of national reunification, AND CONTROL independence and democracy throughout the country. I eagerly appeal to all genuine patriots, irrespective oftheir social class, creed, political stand and former affilia Sirs tion, sincerely to co-operate with us and fight for the sake Only one day after the cease-fire in Indo-China, the of our country and our people so, as to bring about peace International Commission for Supervision and Control in and achieve reunification, independence and democracy for Viet Nam, composed of India, Poland and Canada, has our beloved viet nam come to Viet Nam, entrusted by the Geneva Conference If our people are as one, if thousands of men are like vith the mission of supervising the implementation of one, victory will certainly be ours armistice between viet Nam and france. Long live a peaceful, unified, independent and democratic viet Nam I am very glad to meet the heads of the three delega-tions and their members. On behalf of the people and July 22, I954 Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, Iwarmly welcome you. For the sake of peace, national unity, independenceand democracy, the Vietnamese people have fought withdetermination and won the approval and support of thepeace-loving people of the world. 20 21 ==========第12页========== Today the horrible nine- year long war has come to Republic of Viet Nam will wholeheartedly support you and an end co-operate with you all. The Armistice Agreement on Indo-China, signed at But we must bear in mind that the armistice is only the Geneva Conference, is of great significance not only for a preliminary step in the solution of the whole problem, of Indo China and South East Asia, but it also paves the way Viet Nam and your task will be complicated and difficult. for a lasting peace in Asia and relaxes international I solemnly assure you that the people's army and tension Government of the Democratic Republic of viet Nam will True to our peace loving tradition, the Vietnamese strictly respect and do their utmost to fully carry out all people welcome this armistice most enthusiastically the clauses of the Agreement on the Cessation of hostilities. We shall constantly exert all our efforts to preserve At the same time, we hope that the French government peace and correctly carry out all the clauses stipulated in and all parties concerned will also guarantee correct implementation of this Armistice Agreement. the Armistice Agreement. At this moment of historic significance, the Interna I am firmly confident that the International Commission will abide by the spirit of the Agreement and the tional Commission has come to our country to begin its Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference, co-ordinate work of supervising the armistice. hem with practical facts and carry through its mission India is a great and peace-loving country in South from a just and righteous standpoint. East Asia, Our countries are close to each other, know and The war has just ended in Viet Nam, and it is possible understand each other. that the reception we are giving meets with shortcomings, Poland is a peace-loving country which is doing its for which we beg your pardon. But we entirely take upon utmost for the cause of peace. ourselves to guarantee your security and that of your Though Canada is far from Viet Nam, its representa personnel, and we shall do our utmost to make your tives are willing to cross the seas to come here and help task easy maintain peace in Indo-China. The distance is long, yet our I wish to point out further that we are most grateful hearts are close, I am sure that as we are both peace-loving to the French people who, by their active struggle, have peoples, we shall understand each other better and better layed an important role in the ending of the war in Indo nd draw nearer to one another. China. Now that peace is restored in Viet Nam, we shall Although you, members of the International Commis tighten our friendly relations with the French people. We sion, come from different continents- Asia, Europe and hall strengthen our solidarity with Cambodia, Laos and America the people and Government of the Democratic South- east Asian countries, in order to contribute to themaintenance of peace in Asia and in the world ==========第13页========== The August Revolution being achieved, independence The peoples of viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos shalF was declared on September the Second. The Democratic hold free general elections to reunify their country Republic of Viet Nam was born. General elections were france shall withdraw its army from Indo-China held and our people throughout the country elected a We have signed an armistice with France, peace is National Assembly, which ratified the Constitution and being restored in Viet Nam and all over Indo-China chose the central government, Local administrations, from This great victory was made possible by the ardent village to province, were entirely appointed by the people. patriotism, monolithic solidarity, fighting spirit and sacri Since that time, national unity, independence and demo- fice of our army and people from North to South, from cracy have begun to materialize in our country the temporarily enemy-controlled zone to the free zones Our people and government long for peace to con This victory was the outcome of the August Revolu struct our country and build a free and happy life. tion, of the Independence Day of September the Second But soon the bellicose French colonialists unleashed and of the heroic Resistance waged during the past eight to a new war in an attempt to invade our country and to nine years. enslave our people once more This is a victory of the people of Viet Nam, Cam n Iace of this danger, our people, army, cadres and bodia and Laos, a victory of the French people and the government, closely united, resolutely waged a war of peace-loving people of the world resistance which lasted nearly nine years and won manygreat victories. The aim of our Resistance was to preserve and develop This new victory changes the situation of our country the achievements secured by the August Revolution,that which shifts from a state of war to a state of peace. In order is to say, peace, unity, independence and democracy to secure all-out and lasting peace, we must fight with Thanks to the valiant struggle waged by our army and might and main people, supported by the peoples of brother countries, the This situation sets new tasks for our people, army, French people and peace-loving people of the world, we cadres and government. At present our common tasks are have won the day at the Geneva Conference correct implementation of the Armistice Agreement, the- The French government has recognized the followin struggle to maintain and consolidate peace, to achieve points, approved by member countries of the Conference national reunification, independence and democracy all over Peace shall be restored in Indo-China, on the basis the country. of france respecting the independence, sovereignty, na To achieve national reunification, independence and tional unity and territorial integrity of Viet Nam, Cambodia. democracy throughout the country, we must first of all and Laos. preserve and strengthen peace, 26 27 ==========第14页========== To preserve and strengthen peace, it is necessary for The new development of the situation imposes upon both the vietnamese and French sides to be sincere. On us the following urgent tasks this occasion, I solemnly declare once again that: To strengthen the people's army which is the leadingforce to defend the Fatherland and maintain peace. We are resolved to respect and implement the Armistice Agreement entered into with France. We shall protect To continue to put into practice the motto land to the French economic and cultural interests in Viet Nam. We tillers"to liberate the peasantry, the overwhelming majority are ready to resume negotiations with the French govern our people. ment and to re-establish good relations with France on the In the former free zones, the work of consolidation to basis of equality and mutual benefit be carried on in every field: improvement of the people's At the same time, we trust that the French government livelihood, development of the valiant tradition of our ple will also respect and implement the Armistice Agreementand fully guarantee the execution of the points mentioned To enhance solidarity among the various nationalities in the declaration of the Geneva Conference and in the in the country and gradually introduce autonomy into statement made by the French government. minority regions. In newly liberated rural and urban areas, to first Maintenance and consolidation of peace require close annd foremost restore order and stabilize the people's living solidarity on our part-solidarity among the entire peopl conditions, protect the lives and property of our com from North to South as in one family solidarity with thepeoples of Cambodia and Laos solidarity with the Asian patriots as well as of foreign residents, including the people, with the French people, and the peace- loving Frenchmen people of the world, in particular the Chinese and Soviet To guarantee freedom of conscience, To employ and treat well the employees and officials who formerly worked peoples We must unite in a monolithic bloc against the ma with the opposite side and who now wish to serve thecountry and the people nceuvres of peace wreckers, the U.S. imperialists, the war To re-habilitate commerce, education, etc. thirsty French clique and their henchmen Our people from North to South must fight for the In the political field, to consolidate the people'spower in former free zones and in newly liberated areas, organization of free general elections to reunify the whole develop and strengthen the patriotic organizations, raise the country. Independence and democracy will be achieved through political and moral level of our people, unite our efforts to d out the country if peace is maintained and consolidated and defend peace and achieve national unity, independence anddemocracy throughout the country. the whole country reunified In the economic field to accelerate the emulation movement in production and implement the policy of paying. 28 29 ==========第15页========== attention to public as well as private interests, of benefiting resolved to fight. The progressive people in the world both employers and employees. Town and countryside support us. Victory will certainly be ours. will help each other. Free circulation of commodities withinand without the country will be guaranteed so as to rehabilitate and expand production to contribute to economic On behalf of the people and government of the Demo prosperity and to improve the peoples livelihood cratic Republic of Viet Nam, I take this opportunity of In the cultural field, to wipe out illiteracy, train thanking the peoples and governments of brother countries, cadres to serve national construction, protect our peoples the French people's organizations, the peace and democratic health and promote our good traditions organizations of the world, and the progressive personalities In the regions where the French troops are tempo in the countries which had supported us during our Resist rarily stationed, our people will have to lead the political ance and shared our joy when peace was restored. This struggle to secure such democratic rights as freedom of internationalism is invaluable. It encouraged us through organization, freedom of opinion, etc, to prepare free the trying days of our Resistance. It will help us to build general elections for national reunification a lasting peace. Our compatriots residing abroad must love one another The evergrowing movement of peace and democracy and help each other. The in the world was conducive to our victory. And this will ney must constantly support the Fatherland and strenghten the friendship between our be a worthy contribution to the defence of peace in Asia people and those of the countries in which they live. and in the world. As far as the patriots are concerned, whatever classes dents abroad! March enthusiastically forward/ mese resi-Compatriots, armymen, cadres and Vietnamese resi they may belong to and even if they had formerly collabor-ated with the other side, we are ready to unite with them long live a peaceful, unified, independent and democratic viet N to defend and strengthen peace and achieve national unity,independence and democracy all over the country. The peaceable and democratic forces in the world will win We have carried the day, but peace is not definitelyconsolidated, unity, independence and democracy are notyet achieved throughout the country, The September 2, I954 fore it is neces sary for us to wage a long and hard struggle to reach thatgoal. Meanwhile we must always be vigilant to thwart themanoeuvres which are likely to sabotage our common work Our tasks are many and difficult indeed, but wedisposed of a powerful force, we are closely united, and 31 ==========第16页========== that they understood, but in practice, their work turnedout to be erroneous. Some of them thought it was better todeviate to the left ' than to the right". That is not sofor, left or right, either side is far from reality. We mustgrasp the policies, rely on the masses and differentiatebetween landlord In your work, you have all obtained a number ofachievements despite shortcomings. Your success in thisdrive is that, in applying the three withs"* you have ADDRESSING THE CONFERENCE been better able to endure hardships. In the fourth rent REVIEWING THE FIRST LAND reduction drive many cadres only applied the principleof“ one with”or“ two withs”or“ two and a half REFORM DRIVE AT THAI NGUYEN withs, but not the complete "three withs", It must berealized that only by carrying out the three withs"canone become familiar with the peasants, understand their In land rent reduction and land reform, a number of feelings, mobilize them to overthrow landlordism and suc cadres were very good in implementing the policies, but cessfully carry out land rent reduction and land reform others made mistakes by following roundabout paths, thus Without this principle, one stands aloof from the masses causing a great loss of time, while the result obtained was and cannot work efficiently. Therefore in the next drive not up to expectations. In land rent reduction and land you must apply the three withs" unreservedly. From reform, we must fully grasp the policies and political line, generation to generation our peasants were doomed to live clearly know where our main forces lie, base ourselves on in poverty. Considering their situation, a few months in the poor and landless peasants and unite with the middle which to apply the"three withs"is an insignificant period peasants, That is why the Party and government have But what else can be done 2 always pointed out the necessity for unity of the toilingpeasants. If this is done, all work will be successfull. As far as internal unity is concerned, older cadres carried out, if not, our work will not make headway, there must help new cadres. You did it fairly well in this drive. But this does not mean that there were no shortcomings will be a time lag and the result will be poor, A number of older cadres were too proud of themselves We must know how to discriminate between land for having taken part in many drives, They did not take lords, They are the peasants' enemies, but they are notunited. If discrimination can be made. our work will be w Principle required in the carrying out of land rent reduction ana easier.When this point was studied, many cadres believed Hound reform eat with the peasants, live with the peasants and work with thepetelLa 32 33 ==========第17页========== the trouble to study instructions from higher levels and front. As fighters, you cannot say that you want to go to were not willing to help the new cadres, Bear in mind that this front and not to that front, you must fulfil your duty as the situation changes constantly, lack of study means as fighters. When land reform is carried through, you will regress, and regression means failure. have a rest. As long as it is not achieved, you cannot A rather prevalent mistake is: the desire to rest. There enjoy one. are cadres who, after serving in a few drives, now want to You must firmly grasp the Party's and government's settle in towns. They are wrong. Here is an example: policies, overcome difficulties, and labour under hardship 44 Who has struggled longer, you or I?"(Everybody an- to discharge your duty swered: You. My struggle was longer and I never asked During the Resistance war, our army won victory for a rest, why do you, after a few drives, want to have upon victory. As a fighter on the anti-feudal front, you a rest 2 must be resolved to win You want to rest and to settle in town, because you Heroes are not only to be found among the soldiers at have not yet realized the importance of land reform. You the battlefront. They can be found among you, fighting on have certainly read the Party's resolution,"Land reform the anti-feudal front together with the peasants. In this is one of the three cardinal tasks laid down by the Party conference there are people who during the last land rent and the government. " The desire to settle in town, not to reduction and land reform drives, have done a good work in take part in land reform is shirking duty. linking up their main tasks with mobilizing the peasants toincrease production, to combat drought and flood, and to Wherever the Party and government send you, youmust at any cost fulfil the task entrusted by them, and not engage in voluntary labour or to join the army. With theresponsible committee, you will select the best men and ollow your own bent. women among you i the Party, government and I will What do you want? To take part in the Revolution reward them Well, land reform is a revolutionary task. " Don't believe In the coming mass mobilization drives for land rent that the surrounding mountain tops are higher than that reduction and land reform, those among you who perform on which you are standing.* outstanding deeds, will be awarded medals, just like sol- You must understand that land reform is one of the diers fighting the enemy. It is up to you to decide upon three primary tasks laid down for the Party, the Govern this reward. Those who wish to receive medals must do ment and the people. It is a glorious and heavy task. The their be fighter is not only the man who kills the enemy at thefront. You are fighters too: fighters on the anti-feudal September I2, I954 This vietnamese proverb means:"Don' t be too ambitious or diffi- cult n your choice. 34 ==========第18页========== LETTER TO SOUTHERN SOLDIERS, ADVICE GIVEN TO ARMY CADRES AND THEIR FAMILIES UNITS BEFORE TAKING REGROUPED IN THE NORTH OVER HANOIX On your arrival to-day, I cordially welcome you all. To implement the Armistice Agreement, you are for Throughout eight years of resistance, you had set the time being separated from your native land, but have examples of heroism, and thereby we won victory. Today he opportunity of living close to the Party Central Com- returning to the Capital you must also set good examplesto win victory in peace time. mittee, the government, the army and your compatriots inthe North. North and South are always under the same Urban life is complicated, many temptations can lead roof. people to stupidity, debauchery and degradation. To avoid I hope you will always be in good health and joyful. these dangerous traps and fulfil the lofty task of the You will take part in the building of the country according people's army, all our officers and men must bear in mindand correctly carry out the following advice to your personal ability. When peace is consolidated, national reunification, Avoid conceit and self-complacency. independence and democracy are achieved, you will happily Abstain from drinking alcohol, gambling, sexual return to your native land. It is quite possible that by that pleasures and opium smoking.et no secrets leak out time I will join you to visit our beloved South. Greetings of affection and of determination to win + On October 10, 1954, the viet Nam People's Army took over Hanoin ireerdance with the clauses provided for in the Geneva Agreement. The September 22, I954 hAlny ever of Hanoi was an important political success. 36 37 ==========第19页========== Abstain from luxury, waste and corruption Respect the people, help them and unite with them. Be modest and correct. Maintain the purity and simplicity of revolutionary fighters Practise industry, economy, integrity and justice. Correctly apply the ten points of discipline Be always vigilant, and conduct self-criticism and criticism to make continuous progresses My best wishes to you all. APPEAL ON THE OCCASION October I954 OF THE LIBERATIONOF THE CAPITAL CITY Dear fellow countrymen in H During the past eight years, the Government wasobliged to leave the capital to conduct the Resistance warto save the country. Although far away firom you, ourhearts were always close to you Today thanks to the monolithic solidarity of ourpeople and the valiant struggle of our armymen, peace hasbeen re-established. The government is back in the Capital,among you From having been hundreds of miles away,weare now close together, How happy we are On behalf of the government, I cordially greet youand deem it necessary to state a few points If we take into account the Second World War, ourcapital has undergone fifteen years of warfare. This ratherlong period was not without much suffering! If the capitaleity has maintained its present situation, it is due to thesteadfast struggle waged by our peopl 39 ==========第20页========== Nevertheless, from now on, our Government and built your property in Viet Nam. Your legitimate economic people have much to do to restore, consolidate and improve and cultural activities also benefit viet Nam. I urge you: he material and cultural life of our capital do not worry but go on working. The Vietnamese people They must do their utmost to maintain order and and government will help and protect you. security. Only with a good order and security can thepeople live in peace and work with joy. We must uniteour efforts to launch a movement for labour, thrift, integrity and righteousness, and for the preservation of good After a great revolution, getting back to normal life traditions and customs will be a complicated and difficult matter. However, with We must implement the following policies: the determination of the government, with your single Public and private interests will be attended to with mindedness and co-operation with the government, we shallcertainly surmount all our difficulties and reach our com- the same care. Both employers and employees will benefit Workers will tackle production enthusiastically, Traders mon goal: to turn Hanoi into a peaceful, lively and will actively look after their commercial transactions. All prosperous capital city. economic (production and commerce) and financial acti Ours is a people s government. Its sole aim is to serve vities of the capital will be maintained or restored he peoples interest. It eagerly looks forward to being The government and parents will strive to seek favoured with your assistance, control, supervision and means to enable our children to continue their education criticism to carry through its mission as a faithful and Cultural and educational workers will enthusiastically serve devoted servant of the people. the people. All cultural activities will be preserved or I wish you solidarity and success in your struggle. rehabilitated i particularly wish the ble old people long life and good health to encourage the young generation for In the political field, we will unite closely and provide ward democratic liberties. Everybody will. contribute their best I affectionately advise the youth and children to to rehabilitate the capital and build a peaceful, united, buckle down to their studies, and enthusiastically take independent and democratic Viet Nam. part in the re-habilitation and construction of our beloved In a word, our people, soldiers and cadres must corect- capital, of which they will be the masters ly implement the policies and respect the orders of the Long live Hanoi, capital city of the Democratic Military and Administrative Committee. Republic of Viet Nam I take this opportunity of addressing a few words to Long live a peaceful, unified, independent and demo foreign residents you are traders, businessmen, owners of c ratie viet Nam small industrial and commercial concerns, workers andintellectuals living among the vietnamese people. You have ctober Io, I954 40 41 ==========第21页========== prevailing, and that reactionary forces still exist inside andoutside the country In order to increase our advantages and overcome ourdifficulties, our greatest need is solidarity. Everybody knows that there are now two kindscadres, one of which is composed of cadres having takenpart in the Resistance. But we must know that all of themare cadres of the people's power, that is to say, they arerothers and sisters in the same family. We must rid ours SPEECH DELIVERED TO PUBLIC ves of all prejudices, sincerely unite together and help eachother to make progress and serve the people EMPLOYEES OF THE FORMER Solidarity is our strength. With a monolithic solidarity, ADMINISTRATION WHO HAVE we shall certainly be able to surmount alldifficulties, and REMAINED IN HANOI develop all our advantages to carry through the taskentrusted to us by our people. 2- Increase of work efficiency Whatever may be our I am very glad to et you today, for the first time rank, whatever work we may do, we are the people's after eight years of Resistance. On this occasion, I should vants. The rice we eat, the clothes we wear, the things we ike to speak of three poi use,are made with the sweat and toil of our people, Wetherefore ought to render to the people what we owe ther I- Solidarity Fifteen years of war have ravaged To this end, we must endeavour to put into practice the our country and plunged our people into poverty. Now thatpeace has just been re-established, we must heal the scars four wisdoms: industriousness, economy, integrity and left by the war and restore the people's life to normal. It is righteousness. Industriousness is to raise the work efficiency(in what ge and very licated task. We possess many adyvan tages but also encounter great difficulties ever work we may do). The advantages are that our people are very good, our Economy means saving of time, saving of our own government resolute and our cadres painstaking. We are property as well as of the public wealth wholeheartedly supported by the people of the brother Integrity means probityconstant respect of public countries and of the world. and private property. The difficulties are that the old way of thinking, the Righteousness means that we must do good and shun points of view, and the old customs and routine are still evil even in small things. 43 42 ==========第22页========== These four wisdoms are connected with each other. With regard to increase of work efficiency and thececonomy of the public wealth, we have clearly seen that theworkers in factories and construction sites are the firstto put them into practice, The cadres in all branches andoffices must compete with the workers in this respect. 3- Study The situation in our country and in theworld changes constantly. Our work is new and heavy. Technology advances everyday in the world. But our knowledgeis limited. To catch up with the constant evolution, wemust learn learning theory and learning technology. REPLY TO THE FRENCH PAPER Courses to this effect are now being organized to train “ REGARDS cadres They are not compulsory, Everybody is free to attendor not. Question What do you think, Mr President, of the I am sure that the great majority of you want to make implementation of the armistice clauses by the two sides progress so many people will be willing to attend these Reply- We are strictly implementing them. How- courses. ever, we regret to say that not only are the French forces The cadres responsible for this training must bear in not doing the same, but they have even seriously violated mind that they should make these courses practical and these clauses. You are perhaps aware of what has happe attractive, and definitely avoid formalism and " cramming ned Theory and practice must go together. If the three above mentioned points are observed, we Question-What is the general policy of the Demo- shall certainly be successful in our task of consolidating cratic Republic of Viet Nam on its territory peace and achieving national unification, independence and Reply -We are doing our best to consolidate peace, democracy all over our beloved Viet Nam. and achieve national reunification, independence anddemocracy throughout Viet Nam. over 30,I954 Question What are the primary tasks of the Demo cratic Republic of Viet Nam. Reply -We must devote our efforts to re-habilitatingour war-shattered economy and improving the livelihood 44 ==========第23页========== of our people, first and foremost the toiling people, in we wish to establish friendly relations with other coun- the town and countryside tries, first of all with Asian countries. On this occasion, I Question -What are the means used by the Demo beg you to convey my cordial greetings to the great French cratic Republic of viet Nam to carry out these tasks people who valiantly struggled to end the war and to Reply We rely on our own strength and on the restore peace in Indo-China. assistance of our brother countries. December I4,I954 Question What do you think of the situation insouth viet Nam Reply -I think that at present this situation givesrise to misgivings, because of the more and more brazenintervention of the U. S Undoubtedly our compatriots in the South willprotest energeticall Question- What is your viewpoint on the questionof evacuation of the Catholics Reply- This question is included in the policy of the U.S. interventionists who are now seeking to sow discordand division among our people. The hardships endured by our compatriots coerced togo South cause me great pain Question- What relations does the Democratic Repu-blic of Viet Nam intend to establish with France Reply-We intend to establish economic and cultu-ral relations with France on the basis of equality, mutualbenefit, sincere co-operation and mutual confidence. Question What relations does the Democratic Repu-blic of viet Nam intend to establish with other countriesincluding those in the democratic front. Reply - Of course we have fraternal relations withthe countries in the Democratic front. At the same time ==========第24页========== 190 today, we must unite all our people in a broad front and closelyunite with the people of the brothe ntries and peace-loving people throughout the world. We must furtherenhance our fighting spirit, heighten our vigilance andtrust more irmly in the powerfulstrength and glorious future of our people. We shall therefore successfully carryout our task of consolidating peace and achieving nationalunification, independence and democracy throughout ourntr APPEAL ON THE DAY December I9, I954 COMMEMORATING THE NATION WIDE RESISTANCE WAR Compatriots, soldiers, cadres at home and Vietnameseresidents abroad After nearly nine years of a most arduous and valiant Resistance, we have won a brilliant victory the war hasended and peace has been established, making it possible forus to rebuild our country. Today is the first time we celebrate Resistance Dayin peacetime. But we must realize that, compared with thearmed struggle waged during the Resistance, the politicalstruggle necessary in peacetime will be even longer and arder。 Therefore, our people, soldiers and cadres must notbe subjective and complacent, but must keep up theircombativeness and heroism Thanks to our solidarity, struggle, vigilance and faith,we were victorious in our Resistance. So much the more 48 49 ==========第25页========== Your warm blood has dyed our glorious National Ilag all the redder. Your fame will go down for ever inhinte With some sticks of incense I address you my words of condolence. Eternal glory to the souls of the patriotic fighters Long live the great Vietnamese, Fatherland December 3I, I954 SPEECH AT THE CEREMONY TO LAYWREATHS ON THE CENOTAPH IN MEMORY OF THE FALLENPATRIOTIC FIGHTERS Fallen patriotic fighters Tomorrow will be New Years Day when our compatrots and Army welcome the Government on its return tothe Capital. On this national jubilee, all deeply grieve atyour loss, you who have sacrificed your lives for the Fatherland and people. On behaif of the people, the Government and the Army, I respectfully pay tribute to your immortal souls. You are dead, but your great feats have been deeplyengraved in the heart of the entire people and of thecountry. You are dead but your heroism has deeply penetratedhe heart and mind of all our soldiers and people in theresolute struggle for peace, unity, independence and demo-cracy throughout the country. 50 51 ==========第26页========== Armymen, officers and public servants, Emulation fighters Young people and children, On behalf of our people and government, I wish theleaders and peoples of brother countries new successes onthe occasion of the New Year I take this opportunity to point out to our compatriotsand soldiers the tasks we have to carry out in order toatrengthen peace, achieve reunification, independence and SPEECH GREETING THE NEW YEAR democracy throughout the country. AND WELCOMING THE VIET NAM We are determined strictly to implement the Ar WORKERS PARTY CENTRAL COM mistice Agreement and, at the same time, demand that theother side should fulfil their obligations in this respect; to MITTEE AND THE GOVERNMENT ON defend democratic liberties, put an end to the persecutions THEIR RETURN TO THE CAPITAI of southern people, to stop acts of coercion of northernpeople to induce them to go to south Viet Nam. We thank the International Commission for their Compatriots at home and abroad contribution to the implementation of the Armistice Armymen, officers and all public servants, Agreement. After nine years of a hard but valiant Resistance waged We shall endeavour to restore our economy, agricul lure, commerce, industry and transport, gradually to raise by our army and people, the war has ended, peace has beenrestored and the government has returned to the Capital. our peoples living standards. These events are of paramount political significance. We shall do our utmost to defend our Fatherland and preserve peace. We must, therefore, consolidate our On behalf of the government, I thank the citizens of national defence. Our soldiers must endeavour to stud Hanoi and the armymen for their solemn and cordia politics and military technique and maintain discipline and reception self control On behalf of the Party and government, I send my We shall continue our work of mobilizing the mas New Years greetings to the wounded and sick soldiers wen for land rent reduction and land reform in order to pu and the martyrs' families the slogan land to the tillers"into practice I wish good health, joy and progress to all our com- In order to fulfil the above-mentioned tasks, we shall patriots at home and abroad unite closely and broadly. We shall fight against debauchery, 52 53 ==========第27页========== corruption and waste. We shall improve our virtues: in sabotage the Armistice Agreement and to wreck peace. industriousness, thrift, integrity and righteousness. We shall enddeayour to contribute our share to the defene North and South belong to the same family. They are peace in A sia and in the world. blood brothers and therefore, can in no way be split up. During the Resistance, our army and people have We must establish close relations between the North and done all in their power to secure victory. In their struggle the South. in peacetime they must also do their best to surmount all We shall unite closely and broadly from North to tlilleulties to carry the day. South and support our southern compatriots in their Long live a peaceful, unified, independent and demo struggle for freedom and democracy in conformity with t ratie Viet Nam the Geneva Agreement. We wish to make economic and Long live world peace. cultural relations and travelling between North and Southfree and easy. January I, I955 All this work must be done to prepare the ground forfree general elections for national reunification We are ready to unite sincerely with all people orgroups of people who stand for peace, reunification independence and democracy. We shall strengthen our solidarity with the peoples ofbrother countries. We shall base ourselves on the five principles laiddown in the Sino-Indian declaration and Sino-Burmesedeclaration to establish friendly relations with the royalgovernments of Cambodia and Laos. We shall strengthen our ties of friendship with South East Asian countries. We shall try to re-establish economic and culturalrelations with France on the basis of equality and mutualbenefit. We shall unite with the French people and allpeace-loving people in the world We shall be vigilant and resolutely struggle againstthe U.S. imperialists'manceuvres for intensifying theirintervention in Indo-China, for egging on their henchmen 54 55 ==========第28页========== Fatherland are your friends. Those who do evil to'themare your enemies. As far as you are concerned, any of yourthought or deed which is likely to benefit the people andthe Fatherland must be regarded as your friend and anythought or deed which is harmful to them is your enemy So friend and foe exist not only in the outside world butalso within yourselves. Therefore you must make everyeffort to increase the number of your friends inside andoutside the country and resolutely fight the enemy within TALK AT THE OPENING OF THE yourselves. Try your best to do what is right, be it only a small PEOPLES UNIVERSITY thing, and try to avoid what is wrong, be it only a smallthing. First of all, love your Fatherland, love your com On behalf of the Government I wish you good health patriots. Have a sound understanding of nationalism and joy. I also hope that you will compete with each other and internationalism. Love and esteem labour. Respect in study, and work enthusiastically to make progress discipline. Protect public property. Care for the peoples Here are a few suggestions I should like to make to livelihood. Pay attention to world events, because our help you and your teachers to study the question of the country is a part of the world. All world developments education of youth. have an influence upon our country, and all the internal We must first clearly grasp the method of study, the affairs of our country affect the world. To quote an exam subject of study and the object of study. ple: the U.S. imperialists are coercing the French Parlia In the course of many decades of domination the ment to sanction the pact for the re-militarization of West imperialists and feudalists had inculcated our youth with Germany. This means that a new war can be rekindled, a slave education. Now that our country is liberated, it is and such an eventuality would boomerang upon our coun necessary for you, young people, boldly to change the try. In doing their best to defend peace, restore the economy direction of your learning. I will only sum up the main and struggle against U.S. imperialism, our people are points contributing an effective part to the defence of world peace. What you ought to do: Set a definite line between Pay attention to the re-habilitation and construction right and wrong. of our country. The task of the youth is not to inquire what To set a definite line means to differentiate between the country has done for them, but to ask themselves what friend and foe. Those who do good to the people and the they have done for the country. What ought they to do to 56 57 ==========第29页========== benefit the Fatherland most To what extent have they of the school must compete with one another to serve goood struggled and made sacrifices for the country food to the students so as to enable them to devote them The youth must be enterprising and show bold creative ne lves to stuay. initiative. They must be enthusiastic and eager to make The university, students' families and youth organi- further progress and overcome all difficulties and hardships Rations must closely co-ordinate their efforts to educate They must be loyal, honest and righteous the youth. What you ought to fight You ought to fight the occupations of the tendency to look after selfish ts, to seek pleasure and Study and work are the avoid difficulties, to despise labour, especially manual youth, but amusement is also necessary to them, Sane labour. You must fight laziness, wasteful spending, extreme recreation is a part of the youth's activities. In this school mildness, arrogance, hypocrisy and self-conceit. where you live and work collectively, there are students of The youth and the Society The education of young both sexes. You must love each other and help one anotherlilce brothers and sisters of the same family. At the same people cannot be considered apart from the struggle wagedin society, but must be closely linked with them. The old ime you must respect and treat one another as school-titmates and comrades. Don't behave in a dissolute manner society was full of poison which harmed the youth, especial-ly that which was brought in by the injurious American Try to do what you can so that the parents of girl studentsfeel assured and have confidence in you, Preserve the rept- culture. The U.S. imperialists resort to every means, tation of the school and dignity of all the students, Educa including literature and films, to spoil and corrupt the tion can be found in amusement, too. You must organize youth, so much so that a number of young people become cultural entertainments as well as physical culture of a hooligans, thieves or gamblers, etc. Therefore, the edt collective and mass character. tion of the youth must rely on public opinion and the The school, student,s families and youth organizations Government's power to prevent what is likely to exert a should pay attention to the ideological education of the noxious influence upon them in order to heighten their youth, to their demeanour, activities and daily routine in vigilance. order to encourage and correct them in due time. Democracy must prevail throughout the school. In all This is the people,s university. You learn from your discussions, teachers and students must frankly expose teachers,at the same time you must also learn from the their views. They should ask and discuss matters until they people. In the army, among the voluntary workers and in grasp the meaning. Democracy, however, does not mean ll other branches of activities, there are many outstand- that teachers and students are treated on "the same foot ing youth. This demonstrates that generally speaking, our ing". Students ought to respect their teachers and teachers youth are very enthusiastic and very worthy people. Let us must love their students. Together they must help the quote some examples in the army, there are many heroes personnel of the school to fulfil their tasks, The personnel among the youth,such asLa Van Cau, Giap Van Khuong, ==========第30页========== nguyen Thi Chien. In the railway construction sites, theree many outstanding workers La Van Quy, Nguyen Thi Mui, Nguyen Trong Tuy, Le Huy Phat, etc. During the Resistance war, they were heroic guerilla fighters. Today,in the work of economic re-habilitation, they have becomevaliant workers. The same applies to the youth in otherconstruction sites and factories. Another instance: theshock youth team is always in the van to do any difficultor urgent work. I hope you will follow the examples set bythese outstanding youth: compete in study, make progressand volunteer for social activities in order to contributeyour part to the common struggle waged for the cause of APPEAL FOR COMPETITION peace, for national reunification, independence and demo- IN PRODUCTION AND THRIFT cracy throughout the country. You will then deserve to becalled the vanguard class of the People,s University, and IN THE SPRING SEASON steel yourselves to become prospective masters of thecountry. Compatriots and cadres of all localities, anuary I9, I955 During the Resistance years, our people did their bestto compete in production. This saved us from living inwant despite natural calamities and the havoc wrought bythe enemy. This was a great achievement. Peace is now re-established. In many localities, massmobilization for land rent reduction and land reform getsunder way. These are promising conditions in which todevelop our agriculture. However, great difficulties still exist: drought, floodand insects are liable to destroy the crops a number ofricefields are still left fallow, some hydraulic works havenot been completely overhauled. We must, therefore, doour utmost to push forward the cultivation of rice and othercrops to remove the difficulties which are likely to crop up 60 61 ==========第31页========== during the pre-harvest shortage periods (April and September) Today, our people,s glorious task is to strive in there-habilitation and development of agricultural production,to secure enough food and clothing for the peasants and tosupply them to the army and the towns so as to acceleratethe re-habilitation of our national economy. The task ahead of our peasants this spring is to exertevery effort to: g1row as much rice and as many subSidiary crops as possible LETTER TO THE CONFERENCE plough deeply, weed and manure carefully OF MEDICAL WORKERS combat drought and flood and kill insects,reclaim fallow land rear more cattle and poultry, I cordially wish you joy and good health to enthusiast make saving in every field. cally exchange your experiences, work out plans with This is a patriotic task of paramount significance. I accuracy and make progress(Is there among you a woman call on our compatriots to enthusiastically take part in this doctor from the South ? campaign. This is a contribution on your part to the Here are some opinions I would like to put forward struggle for peace, unity, independence and democracy all to help you in your discussions. over the country. First, unite sincerely with one another Solidarity is our As my new year greetings, I wish you brilliant success atrength. It enables us to surmount all obstacles and obtain in your work of production. treat achievements. The government will reward individually or collecti- Solidarity between old and new cadres, among the vely those who will distinguish themselves in this spring public health personnel, from the minister, vice-ministers campaign doctors, chemists, down to the manual labourers. Thoughthe tasks and positions are different, you are all required in Greetings of affection and of determination to win your branch to serve the people. February 5, I955 Love the patients Their fate is in your hands. Thegovernment entrusts you with the task of curing and preserving the health of Our compatriots. This is a mostglorious task. 63 ==========第32页========== You must therefore love and nurse the sick as if theywere your own brothers and sisters, and regard theirsufferings as yours A doctor must be like a mother nursing a child These are true words. Build up a medicine of our own- During the period ofslavery, our medicine was hamstrung like all other branchesof activities. Now that we are independent and free,youmust help the people and the government to build up ahealth service appropriate to our peoples requirements Medicine must also be based on the principles of being: MESSAGE ON THE OCCASION OF scientific, national and popular. THE OPENING ON THE HANOI Formerly our ancestors possessed valuable experiences MUC NAM QUAN RAILWAY LINE regarding the curingy local medical process and by Chinese medicine. To broaden the medical field, you mustpay attention to studying and co-ordinating " Eastern Cadres, outstanding workers and compatriots building with 4< Western" medicines. Do your best to carry through your task. the Hanoi Muc Nam Quan railway line, On behalf of the Party and Government, I congratu Greetings of affection and of determination to win late you on the completion of this line February I955 The same line was under construction by the Frenchlor over ten years. Under the people's power it was completed in four months'time. This is a brilliant achievement This is due first to the disinterested help of Peoples China, At present that country is busily embarking on itslive year plan. However, Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Governmentwent their technicians and workers, who have devoted allt heir efforts to help us. We are very moved and most Fate Il for this noble internationalist spirit and friendshippnI the Chinese people 65 64 ==========第33页========== Secondly, this achievement was made possible by the I should like to ask you, upon your return to the creative initiative and efforts of our cadres and workers in construction sites, to convey my greetings and words of the North or regrouped here from the South, the shock encouragement to all the cadres, workers, voluntary labour brigade youth, and the inhabitants of the provinces of Bac ers and compatriots who had participated in the building Ninh, Bac Giang, Lang Son, Thai Nguyen, Bac Can, etc. is railway line. This railway line will contribute to facilitate our eco I wish you good health and hope you will strive to nomic re-habilitation. ncore new achievements It draws us closer to China, the Soviet Union andother brother countries. It links Hanoi to Peking, Moscow February 27, I95 and other capital cities, as far as Berlin. It unites us moreclosely with the goo million people of the brother countries. Its significance is of paramount importance. To our people as a whole, this railway line is of greatutility, and to our manufacturers and traders it will bring great advantages. But this is only a preliminary achievement. We mustnot be complacent. On the contrary, we must make greater efforts Now that this railway is completed, we must consoli-date it and maintain it in good working order; we must bevigilant and defend it against any schemes of sabotage bythe reactionaries. In the forthcoming conference of recapitulation, thecadres and model workers should exchange and popularizetheir experiences, make preparations for competition in thenext stage of railway construction so that the work donewill be faster, better and more economical. This honorary banner is to reward the whole construc-tion yard. The Government will reward medals to the mostoutstanding units and emulation fighters. 66 67 ==========第34页========== Furthermore, there are 5o0 million Indian, Indonesianand Burmese peoples who have cast off their colonial statusand support peace, Not including the people of capitalist countries whoiso love peace, these I, 400 million people, or more thanhalf the people of the world, stand for peace and are resolved to struggle against war. This is a gigantic force. But the imperialist camp headed by the U.S. is alsovery active. As early as I948, the imperialists set up the N.A. T.O. bloc. After the Geneva Conference, they signed SPEECH CLOSING THE 7th the Paris treaty, created the S.E.A.T.O. and staged the ENLARGED SESSION OF THE U.S. -Chiang Kai-shek pact, etc. In a word, they arepreparing for war: the international situation is therefore CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF more tense than after the Geneva Conference, THE VIET NAM Internal situation. Our resistance and the Geneva WORKERS PARTY Conference ended victoriously. Quite a large territory hasbeen liberated. Our country, together with the great family n inseparable bloc of new democracy and socialism, forms an inser Although not careifully prepared, this session of the We therefore enjoy favourable conditions to defend p Central Committee has recorded good results thanks to the nd achieve national reunification efforts of you all. However our country is temporarily divided into two of the ion. In internationa Clear appi arts. The North is not yet consolidated. The South is in affairs, since the beginning of our Resistance, the camp of a precarious situation. The U.s. imperialists and their peace, democracy and Socialism has been growing in size enchmen seek every means to torpedo the Geneva Agree- and strength. The Soviet Union and the other socialist ent, They engineer the evacuation of northern people to countries in East Europe are becoming stronger and the South. Famine prevails, Cambodia and Laos are in stronger. The Chinese revolution has been brought to a difficulties. The international situation is tense. Thes successful end. Viet Nam and Korea victoriously resisted nr handicaps. the invaders, Composed of twelve countries embracingmore than goo million people, our camp is, geopraphically Nevertheless these difficulties, though great and many speaking, a bloc running from Europe to Asia and, politic are temporary ones. The determination of all our Party and ally, it is sealed in monolithic solidarity. people willovercome them. 69 ==========第35页========== Favourable conditions are our fundamental advantages Under the leadership of the Central Committee, in We must endeavour to develop them the light of the Party's principles and policies, all the Party The successes of the session. A careful review was made members and the cadres -whether old or new, and wher- of the leadership of the Central Committee pointing out ever they are: in the North or in the South, in the army the mistakes so as to correct them. Only the Party of the or in any branches or regions, in the towns or in the working class, the genuinely revolutionary Party, is able to countryside- should unite closely and raise their political detect mistakes amidst its victories. The session has clearly consciousness. They should exercise community of ideasand actions and be determined to carry through their pointed out effective methods for perfecting leadership tanks such as Our Party is firm and united, our people are united 44 Leadership must be closer to reality. and enthusiastic our army is powerful our policies are Leadership must be collective, democratic, unified correct; basically we enjoy favourable conditions, we have and centralized. a firm determination and we enjoy the assistance of the The ideological level and organizational ability of all arties of brother countries. Therefore, though great diffi Party members must be raised so as to respond to the new eulties and obstacles still lie ahead, we shall certainly be tasks. Leadership in organization must be improved victorious in our task of consolidating peace, achieving Criticism and self- criticism must continuously be reunification and completing independence and democracy made, especially criticism of the higher level by the lower throughout our beloved Viet Nam, and thereby make aworthwhile contribution to the defence of world peace levels Thanks to the Party's correct policy and directives, we March I2, I955 have recorded fair results. If we are determined to carryout the above-mentioned points, the results will begreater. Today, as never before, solidarity within the Party isimportant, especially between responsible cadres, As this session has shown, there is enlargement ofinner-party democracy and general use of criticism andself-criticism. After this session, the Central Committee hascome to a closer understanding; it is more united, andfirmly guarantees the unity and solidarity of the whole Party 71 ==========第36页========== of a new type proletarian party which is the only organination capable of leading the multiform struggle of theworking class and enslaved peoples. Lenin has establisheda new theory of the socialist revolution, and demonstrated e possibilities of the triumph of socialism in a singlewintry. Lenin helped the working people who were sufferingI rom imperialist oppression to realise in a more comprehen-sive manner the law of social development, the requirements LENINISM AND THE LIBERATION and objective conditions of the political struggle in everystage of the proletarian revolution, and the whole libera OF OPPRESSED PEOPLES I ion movement. He acquainted the oppressed masses withthe intricate and complex developments of our times. Hewave them the miraculous weapon to fight for their On April 22, I8 70, in old despotic Russia there was emancipation -the theory and tactics of Bolshevism. born the future leader and talented teacher of the toilingg The Russian Communist Party founded by Lenin set a masses and oppressed people throughout the world Vladimir Ilyitch Lenin bright example to the worlds people. Under the clearsightedleadership of great Lenin, the talented strategist and At the end of the ioth century and the beginning of tactician, the Communist Party led the Russian proletariat he 2oth century, capitalism reached its highest and ulti to seize power and establish the first state of the working mate development-imperialism -and ushered in the era nanes; the founding of this State ushered in a new era in of proletarian revolution. The man who skilfully continued he history of mankind. In the eye of the peoples loving Marxs and Engels' great work in the new historical con peace and democracy, the Soviet Union is an unshakable ditions was V.I. Lenin bulwark of independence and freedom. After World War Struggling uncompromisingly with the reformists and Il, the mighty camp of peace, democracy and socialism all kinds of distortionists of Marxism, Lenin brought headed by the Soviet Union took shape, in opposition to scientific Socialism to a new stage. He enriched Marxism imperialism. the great ideological weapon of the proletariat, greatly Lenin's popularity and doctrine are closely linked to contributed to the formulation of the theory of proletarian all the successes of the camp of peace and democracy which dictatorship, developed the Marxist principle on the stretches from the Elbe River to the Pacific Ocean, and worker-peasant alliance, the national and colonial question liom the Arctic pole to the Tropics. This is why all the proletarian internationalism, the building and strengthening pressed and unfortunate people regard Lenin's banner 72 73 ==========第37页========== which is now being held aloft byDy the Communists of all aoth century. In I9I3, V I. Lenin wrote: 4/ The whole of countries, as a symbol of faith and a torchlight of hope, Europe takes the leading place; the entire bourgeoisie in The heroic struggle waged by the Soviet people to ISurope is colluding with all the reactionary forces and build Communism is now encouraging all the peoples and mediaeval forces in China showing them the way to attain a living worthy of man 4 But all young Asia, that is, hundreds of millions of The consistent peace policy of the Soviet government toiling masses in Asia, has the proletariat of all civilised clearly embodied in the decree signed by Lenin and promul- countries as a firm ally. No force in the world is able to gated immediately after the triumph of the Socialist oheck the victory of the proletariat in the liberation of the revolution, is now stimulating the broad masses of peopl European and Asian peoples. to struggle for the defence and strengthening of peace and Today, in the midst of the 2oth century only, the against the warmongers headed by U.S. imperialism. I' Young Asia" referred to by Lenin, is precisely the The principles laid down by Lenin on the peoples I'eople's Republic of China, the People's Republic of Mon right to self-determination, peaceful co-existence, non Holia, the People's Democratic Republic of Korea and the interference into the internal affairs of other countries Democratic Republic of viet Nam. In other regions of Asia equality and relations beneficial to the parties concerned similar young forces are rising to struggle for national libe principles which are the bases of the Soviet Union,s foreign Fation. These scientific previsions of the great revolutionary are now showing the peoples of colonial and strategist have been substantiated so swiftly that the policy dependent countries the path of struggle for national reuni imperialist camp becomes anxious and fearful! fication and independence. If, under the leadership of the Marxist- Leninistparties, the enslaved peoples of Asia have recorded practical successes, it is because they have followed Vladimir For the Asian peoples as well as for the peoples through- Ilyitch great teachings out the world who are fighting for peace, independence, In his appeal to the revolutionaries in the East, Lenin democracy and socialism, Leninism is like the sun which wrote: You have before you a task which was unknown brings with it a cheerful life. Lenin always attached great io the Communists in the world: relying on the theory and importance to the movement for national liberation waged eommon practice of communism, and applying them to by the Asian peoples, and regarded it as part and parcel of apee ifie conditions which do not exist in Europe, you must the struggle put up by the toiling masses throughout the low how to use them in the conditions in which the world against the imperialist oppressors. Lenin made it clear peasants are the basic masses and the task is not to struggle that the awakening of Asia and the first struggle waged byy aainst capitalism, but against mediaeval vestiges. "7 the advanced proletariat in Europe to seize power, marked This is an instruction most valuable for a country a new era in world history, an era which began with the libs ours in which go per cent of the population live on. 74 75 ==========第38页========== agriculture, and a great deal of the vestiges of rotten feud force which guides our Party and makes it possibly to alism and mandarinate still exist become the highest organisation. of the toiling masses, and Under the leadership of the glorious Communist Party the embodiment of the intelligence, dignity and conscience of China and of comrade Mao Tse-tung, its clearsighted of our people leader, the victory of the great Revolution in China was Under the banner of Leninism, the Viet Nam Workers the triumph of Leninist thinking. It is precisely for this Party has won the confidence of our people and is consider reason that comrade Mao Tse-tung said that the gun report ed as their vanguard party. Our Party has known how to of the October Revolution has brought Marxism-Leninism make use of the potentialities and creative initiative of to China, and 600 million people are once and for all freed our people who never resigned themselves to the yoke of from the grip of imperialism. slavery and colonialism Applying Leninism to internationalism, the Soviet Lenin embodied the unity of mind within the Partyr Union, where socialism has triumphed, has constantly givengreat moral assistance to the national liberation movement the solidarity of its ranks, the respect of revolutionarydiscipline, the unshakable faith in the great cause of com- in colonial and dependent countries. Particularly with her munism and firm confidence in the final victory. All this consistent peace policy and due to her great prestige all i now an encouragement for the Viet Nam Workers' Party over the world, the Soviet Union has greatly helped the which has daily and hourly applied the principle of critic Korean and Vietnamese people to defend their motherlands ism and self criticism, and regarded it as the miraculous against the danger wrought by the U.S. imperialists and method to correct mistakes and shortcomings and to strug- their allies. The diplomatic activities of the Soviet Union ale against the manifestations of subjectivism and compla were a deciding factor in bringing the wars in Korea and ceney, Our Party has no other interests than those of our Viet Nam to an end people and our Fatherland therefore, it attaches great Educated in the spirit of proletarian internationalism, importance to raising the level of its work. While doing its the Vietnamese people highly appreciate the moral support almost to fulfil its tasks, our Party has constantly studied of the peoples throughout the world, including the French animism in order to raise its combativeness, political toiling people who have been fighting to put an end to the dynamism, the unity in organisation and the ideological war in Indo-China. level of the Party members Our people and party members were steeled in theI lame of the long and hard struggle for national salvation Lenin bequeathed to us, as to all the Communist and and suffered untold hardship and suffering, Over eight workers' parties, an invaluable treasure which was his years, our people and Party waged an heroic struggle which ideology: organisational principles, theory and tactics of a eHiled victoriously in favour of the Vietnamese people and revolutionary party, Leninism is a powerful ideological i the re-establishment of peace in Indo-China. The ==========第39页========== Geneva Agreements demonstrated that the struggle for and Bangkok a new situation has arisen in Asia. Today the national liberation waged by the Vietnamese people and U.S.A. has openly intervened in Indo-China's affairs the brother peoples of Laos and Cambodia and their lofty and has carried out many more manoeuvres to torpedo sacrifice and heroism have been internationally recognised. the Geneva agreement. Our Party can be proud that during these years it was For the realisation of their goal, the imperialists and resolute and persevering and led the people to struggle with their henchmen of all kinds are nurturing the dark scheme a great sacrificing spirit. ofpermanently dividing our country, placing south viet Nam under their sway, checking all democratic forces andsabotaging the I956 general elections. Today, while peace has been restored, we are conti- In these conditions, our struggle shifts now from the nuing to fight for the correct implementation of the Geneva stage of armistice to that of political struggle to check Agreement. According to figures already checked, we have the enemy's plot to rekindle war and achieve national recently been able to affirm that the other side has violated reunification by nation-wide elections scheduled for July, the Agreement 2, II4 times, including 467 times in south 1056. Viet Nam. Here are some shocking figures 806 dead Peace, reunification national independence and demo 3, 50I wounded and I2, 74I persons arrested groundlessly. acy are problems which are closely linked together. If Last year, in September, the Viet Nam Workers here is no consolidation of peace, there is no possibility Party passed many resolutions on our people's action of reunifying Viet Nam through general elections. In ned at strictly implementing the Geneva Agreement, wersely, if there is no national reunification by means of and opposing all manoeuvres to sabotage it. Our main eneral elections, there is no possibility of establishing a tasks are: to consolidate peace, complete land reform, irm basis for peace. work with might and main in order to improve our The recent developments, and the examination of the economic life, stabilise our livelihood in every respect in olitical situation enable our Party to see clearly that the the territory north of the I7th Parallel and continue the struggle for peace, independence and democracy waged political struggle waged by the entire people. We have put hy the Vietnamese people will be a hard one, and on forth the following slogans for our struggle: to consolidatepeace, achieve national reunification, gain complete in w In September 1954 the imperialist countries held a conference in dependence and popularize democracy throughout the Mowll fa set up the South East Asia Treaty Organisation (S.E. A. T.O. H Aase headquarters are in Bangkok. country. The S, E.A. T.O. bloc is a political and military alliance setup by Today we are struggling to carry through these ia N, A Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines. fuudamental tasks At the same time, we cannot ignore that, Anland and Pakistan with an aim to attacking the Asian socialist countriespad suppressing the national, democratic and peace movement in the South after the conferences held by the imperialists in Manila au tan countries. 79 78 ==========第40页========== this path, the Vietnamese people will encounter a lot ofdifficulties, However our Party is firmly confident in thefinal victory. From the most powerful Leninist doctrine, we drawa great strength to fulfil our sacred task of securing peacereunification, independence and democracy and to winvictory for Sclanism. Article appearing in Pravda, April I8, I955 EXCERPT FROM A SPEECHDELIVERED AT THE NATIONALCONGRESS OF MUTUAL AID TEAMS The peasants aspiration is to have land when theyhave none or to produce more, so as to better their life,when they already have some In order greatly to increase production, we have towork collectively. But our peasants are accustomed to indi-wHeal work, each household working separately. They havenot the habit of collective and organized work. To ensure Continuous progress, the peasants' path should consist ofafferent stages, short or long according to the concretemndlitlons of each country. In the Soviet Union, for instamie, the peasants organize themselves in collective farms their land and working collectively. Planting, laughing, harvesting are all mechanized. The collectivelai are provided with eight-year or ten-year schools, Iilafles, hospitals, kindergartens, stadiums, cinemas,,,inf in no way different from towns. 80 81 ==========第41页========== No doubt, you are very pleased to know that the Soviet peasants are so advanced and happy, aren't you that such teams can be found in all the places where rent However, we cannot do the same right now. The Soviet veduction and land reform have been carried out. Wherever Union carried out land reform thirty years ago, In our the people's and cadres' political standards are high, we country, land reform is not yet completed. But if we persist shall organize exchange of labour, in permanence or from in our struggle we shall have in the future, what the Soviet one season's cultivation to another. Wherever such exchange Union has now. When the Soviet workers and peasants bour already exists, we have to consolidate it and makei better carried out the revolution they received no direct aid at all. At present, we have the assistance of the Soviet Union, China, and other brother countries, and the leadership of Principles for the exchange of labour: our Party and Government. If you exert efforts you will Firstly, compulsion should not be used with certainly make rapid progress anybody. By means of propaganda, we should explain to the In China, the revolution was successtul only five years peasants the advantages of the mutual aid teams; we should ago, land reform was completed three years back. At the ve them complete freedom of adherence, and strictly re- beginning, China also organized mutual aid teams and train from any compulsion. gradually advanced to co-operatives. For the time being, in Secondly, the families should find interests after our countryside, we should widely popularize mutual aid joining the mutual aid teams. The peasants will confidently teams, the lowest and simplest form of organization. So, the join the teams only when they find it is in their interest. organisation of the Chinese peasants (co-operatives)is Ie convince people to join such teams is not an easy job higher than that of our peasants'(mutual aid teams); the Hut when this has been done, we are not yet successf organization of the soviet peasants(collective farms)is lease the peasantry is fraught with many complicated higher than that of the Chinese. Nevertheless, the Soviet estions. For instance, in each team there are big families peasants will progress still further. sid sinall ones, people who can work hard and others who Most of you came from communes where land reform iamnot, families which have buffaloes and others which has been realized. You found that rent reduction and land have not. Even among draught animals, some are strong, reform at the beginning were not easy. Now, the organi Athena are weak. Some lands are nearby, others are far zation of mutual aid teams is also not easy. Those who think away When the crop simultaneously gets ripe on many it easy will fall into subjectivism and meet failure thea, everybody wants to have his own harvested first. If The organization of mutual aid teams should be carried she uestions are not settled in the interests of every body, out according to correct principles and method. they will give rise to dissatisfaction and jealousy among the people. It is failure then The present policy is to develop a great number o Thirdly, a mutual aid team should be headed by work exchange teams, per season or per specific work, So wa leader or a managing committee. The management 82 ==========第42页========== no baskets of paddy after adherence to the team, after should be democratic. Every task, should be discussed emulation, the output of each mau increases to 32 or 35 among the team members. When they have understood the baskets or more utility of the task, they will be willing to do it. If we Benefitting the country besides the quantity of paddy to force people to do work of which they do not understand pay tax to the Government and that used for consumption the utility, the work will meet with failure the extra paddy will be sold to the Government. The latterbuys this paddy to feed the cadres, the army, and to docommon interest works. Increased production will augment Method of organization the extra quantity of paddy which will be sold to the Firstly, we shoulerefrain from the desire te do Covernment also in bigger quantity. Moreover, the best quickly and tempestuously. Better to do little but surely producer in a locality is rewarded by the Government than to do much, tempestuously but not surel,ly. We should so, he earns both interest and popularity. make firm and steady steps, and go forward gradually. Amutual aid team should be closely united, not Iu- Secondly, we should be realistic. The organization only among its members. It should help the families of is intended for practical work. Its aim is not to have a the war-martyrs or soldiers, if there are any in the village name without practical content. t he war-martyrs have sacrificed themselves for the people, Thirdly, we should organize mutual aid teams, the armymen have fought the enemy to safeguard the from small ones, from 5-7 families to g-Io families,to country and defend the people, they have done great big ones. The teams should not be too big; otherwise aervice to the people, therefore the people should do their their management will be difficult, the organization will best to help their families. The sick and disabled people get loose and easily exposed to failure. n the village should also be helped. This is very good There are some other points which deserve our propaganda to convince them to join the mutual aid attention experiences should be drawn to develop suc. teams. cesses and to avoid failure. Farming methods should be Leadership improved The emulation movement should be organized. Whe To be successful every work needs leadership,Who ther in big or small works everybody will make efforts leads the mutual aid team? It is the team-leader w only when emulating with one another, Everybody should Directly manages it. If the team-leader is impartial and be made to understand that emulation is to benefit both disinterested, if he organizes and leads well, if he enjoys the country and the family. the confidence and affection of the members the team Benefitting the family before adherence to the mutual will be successful in its work. One example: all the team aid team, when there is no emulation, each mau* yields Hebers are equal in the distribution of products, but One mau 3, 600 square metres 85 ==========第43页========== when the crop is ripe, other people's grain is harvested by sending cadres to work in the countryside, by lending first. before the team leaders, the team leader will be the capital to the peasants. However, you should not hang on irst to work but the last to enjoy the advantages. with this assistance, but strive to rely mainly on your own orts such a team leader, the organization will certainly score assistance from outside is only secondary. Success In short, I have pointed out the difficulties of the Party members should set an example in the work mutual aid teams for you to realize and overcome them, of the mutual aid team. The Party branch in the commune and certainly not to be disheartened. As you are prompted should help practically and lead the team. It is respon by the spirit of emulation, you are united and make sible for the greater part of the team's good or bad state. efforts, you will inevitably overcome these difficulties Before land reform, feudal landlords and local despots and thehe movement of mutual aid teams will certainly sneaked in and made profit out of many communal Party develop and come to success. cells; they turned them into cells of mandarins, refusingto do patriotic work and to pay agricultural taxes. They May6,r955 looked down upon the people. With land reform many Party cells have been reorganized, but they are not perfect. If you relax your vigilance, those elements will seek waysand means to sabotage. From now on, in land-reformedcommunes where mutual aid teams are still lacking, the Party cells there have the responsibility of building suchteams. If the teams have been organized but are not strong,the Party cells ought then to consolidate them. The peasant organization should educate, encourage,help the peasants and lead them into mutual aid teams. So, mutual aid teams are directly led by team leaders, Party cells and peasant organizations. The youth shouldform the nucleus of the teams. The Labour Youthwherever it exists, should push forward the work of mutualaid teams. The Party, at district, provincial and zonelevels, should in practice control, stimulate and help 1 aid teams The Party and Government will give further assistance by buying the peasants' forest and agricultural produce ==========第44页========== nationalities a monolithic bloc of unity. It will alwaysenjoy the education and leadership of the Party and Government and the assistance of other brother nationalities. The ThaiMeo Autonomous Region is at presentunder a democratic regime, with the people as masters. Iin completely different from the faked" Thai Autonomypreviously founded by the enemy with a view to dividingand repressing the nationalities. Today we celebrate the anniversary of the great victory LETTER TO THE COMPATRIOTS won by our army and people in Dien Bien Phu; at thesame time we officially found the Thai- Meo Autonomous IN THE THAI-MEO Region. Therefore this is a very glorious historical day for AUTONOMOUS REGION the compatriots in the North West and for the whole Democratic Republic of viet Nam as well. The compatriots in the North West have the parti Dear compatriots in the Thai-Meo Autonomous cular honour of having their autonomous region established Region, first. Hence, they have the particular task of striving to For one year now, the North-West area has been com- het an example to other autonomous regions which will be pletely liberated. This is owing to the close unity among founded one after the other. all nationalities and their enthusiastic participation in the To deserve that great honour and to fulfil that lofty Resistance war, to the valiant struggle of our army, and to task, the compatriots in the Thai- Meo Autonomous Region the clearsighted leadership of the Party and Government. should Now, upon the proposal of the Party and the decision Ensure close unity among all nationalities, love and of the Government, the Thai- Meo Autonomous Region is ielp one another as brothers and sisters. established Emulate in increasing production so that every body The aim of the founding of the Thai-Meo Autonomous will be provided with enough cloth and food. Region is to enable the brother nationalities gradually to Keep constant vigilance and be ready to help the run all their own activities so as rapidly to develop their army and the security service in frustrating the enemy's economy and culture, and realize equality among nationali lots of sowing dissension and of sabotage. ties in all respects As regards the cadres, there should be sincere unity The Thai-Meo Autonomous Region is an integral part between old and new cadres, between cadres of the locality of the great family of Viet Nam, making with other brother and those coming on duty from other places, between army ==========第45页========== cadres and cadres of the Party and Government; theyshould all wholeheartedly serve the people and resolutelyfight against bureaucracy, commandism, corruption andwaste. On this occasion, the Government again earnestlycalls on those North Westerners who have gone astray,toright their wrong without delay and to return to theirhonest life among the people. The Government and thepeople are always lenient with those who have repented. The Party and the Government have confidence in thepatriotic spirit and the struggle of the compatriots in the TALK WITH THE PEOPLES Thai-Meo Autonomous Region and hope that all of them REPRESENTATIVES OF will remain single-minded and unite their efforts to developand improve the autonomous region day by day so as to HAIPHONG CITY make valuable contributions to the struggle for peacenational unity, independence and democracy in the whole I came to see you, compatriots, in I946. A few of our beloved country. months later, the resistance began. Ten years have flitted My greetings of affection and away since our last meeting. In these ten years, how many of determination to win sentiments and affection! Although far away from you, the May 7, I955 Party, the Government, and I have always been thinkingof you, You too, have always been thinking of me. I haveoften received letters from the elders, the youth, thehildren and the workers of Haiphong, secretly sent to mein Viet Bac Over the last ten years, our country has undergoneany big changes, and the biggest one is the completeliberation of the North, Haiphong included. The takingover was good thanks to our army men and cadres' correctapplication of policies and good discipline of our people,eapecially the workers who had struggled enthusiastically,and thanks also to the wholehearted assistance of thet hinese residents 90 ==========第46页========== The complete liberation of the North is our great Ictory.After over 8o years of slavery, all north Viet Nam yes in the service of the army and security service. The belongs now to our people, being under the democratic saboteurs can in no way escape the net of the people's ears republican regime with the people as masters, This tremen and eyes. dous victory is due to the fact that from North to South, All compatriots should be closely united, and our people are united, our army heroic, our Party and Government correct in their leadership. Besides, we enjoy emulate in increasing production with a view to rehabilitat the support of the peoples of brother countries, of the ing the economy to a normal state. French people and of peace lovers the world over. Being the leading class of the revolution and themain force of economic production, the workers should The task of everyone of us now is to struggle for peace, strive to promote labour efficiency, to care for machines unity, independence and democracy for the whole country. to defend factories, correctly to observe labour regulations This is a complicated, hard and long struggle because the This is the way to the betterment of life for the people and U.S. imperialists and the like are plotting to undermine the working class. peace and our national unity. Our country is temporarily The peasants will emulate in producing more rice partitioned. In the South the U.S. imperialists and Ngo Dinh Diem are terrorizing the people, creating armed and more sweet potatoes to supply the cities, the factories clashes, thereby throwing the people into a miserable plight. and the army. This is beneficial to both the country andthe family. In the North our Party, Government and People, united The intellectuals will emulate in rebuilding our and single-minded are striving in unity and single-minded- national culture and educating our children to become ness to build a peaceful life. In view of the particularconditions of our country being provisionally partitioned good citizens. Physicians will help the people keep goodhealth, cure the diseases left behind by the colonialists. into two parts, our whole people' s work is the consolidation The manufacturers and traders will emulate in their of the North in various aspects, political, national, defenceeconomic and cultural, in support of the struggle of the businesses, in correctly implementing the financial and south Viet Nam people. To struggle for peace and unity is economic policies of the Government and contributing to the common task of all of us. Besides, each branch, each the rehabilitation of national economy. section has its own task: The youth should be the vanguard in all work, and The army and the security service should be highly try to be worthy of being future masters of the country. The children should be obedient, industrious, hardworking; vigilant, should avoid subjectiveness and underestimationof the enemy force. They should rely on the people's force, they should help their parents and love their friends educate them in the duty of safeguarding the Fatherland I hope that our old people will educate and stimulateour children and nephews to fulfil their tasks. y so doing, they will have millions of people as ears and After many decades of subservience, we have undergone 92 l5 years of war, including the period of World War II 93 ==========第47页========== When withdrawing, the enemy took away all riches, andleft us such difficulties as unemployment, poverty, anddiseases. The U.S. imperialists and the like are plottingsabotage. Such are our immediate difficulties, which weshould realize fully. However, they are temporary difficulties, and we should endeavour to overcome them all atany cost. As well as these difficulties, we have great fundamentaladvantages: the North has been completely liberated Golden mountains and silver seas" are ours now, with ourpeople as masters; our compatriots are united and hard REPORT ON THE VISIT OF THE working, our Party resolute, our Government pure andimpartial the Party and Government are devotedly serving DELEGATION OF THE GOVERNMENT the country and the people our brother countries are ready OF THE DRVN. TO THE to helpu SOVIET UNION AND THE At the beginning of the resistance, we met with manymore difficulties and we were then almost empty handed. PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Nevertheless, we were victorious. Now in peace time withour unity, strenuous efforts, strength, funds, determinationand our friends' assistance, we will certainly overcome all Dear fellow-countrymen, elders, youth and children, difficulties and win victory. At the invitation of the Government of the U.S.S.R., Long live a peaceful, unified, independent and demo of the People's Republic of China and of the People's cratic viet Nam Republic of Mongolia, I have, together with Comrade June 2, I955 Truong Chinh, four Ministers and three Vice-Ministers,visited our great brother countries The journey from Hanoi to Peking and then to Moscow passing through Ulan Bator(capital of Mongolia)and the return trip covered altogether 22, 000 kilometres. Our delegation set out on June 22nd and was backhome on July 22nd. That makes exactly one month. The visits had these aims 94 95 ==========第48页========== which always support the just cause, support the peoples I- To further consolidate the friendship and soli who struggle for their independence and freedom. darity between our people and the Soviet and Chinese In the Soviet Union and in China, we saw a greatly peoples. developed agriculture and industry high material and 2- To develop economic and culturalrelations with cultural standards, a determination of all to struggle for the brother countries. Our delegation met and exchanged the preservation of peace. views with leaders of the two governments on the situationin South-East Asia and in the world, on how to preservepeace, on the economic and cultural rehabilitation and On this occasion I am happy to inform you that the development of our country. There was complete identity 'oviet Union has decided to grant us aid amounting to of views between our delegation and the leaders of the lo6 billion dongs* to be supplied during two years brother countries. The content of the talks was made The People's Republic of China will give us aid known through the joint communiques issued by our dele amounting to I, 224 billion dongs spread over five years. gation and the governments of the U.S.S. R. and of the The other brother countries such as Poland, Czechos People's Republic of China. lovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, the German Democratic Re Now I will sum up the general impression of our public, will also give us aid. The People's Republic of Mongolia, with a population of about one million will delegation during these visits: mive us 5oo tons of meat and a number of cattle and The bonds of friendship between the peoples and sheep to establish a breeding farm. governments of the two brother countries and our peopleare very cordial, and their sympathy and support for us On this occasion, on behalf of our Government andpeople, I wish to express once again, our wholehearted are very warm. Everywhere we went, we were greeted byy thanke to the brother countries housands, tens of thousands of cheering people. Even thechildren enthusiastically shouted the slogan: a Long live The brother countries have helped us in finance andnaterial, they also send technicians to assist us in our he heroic Vietnamese people I m economic, cultural and social construction, and to train What is the reason for this warm friendship? Hr cadres t is because our people, under the leadership of the Their aid is generous and disinterested. We do not Viet Nam Workers' Party and the Government, united have to pay them back what they give us. That is un closely and fought valiantly during the Resistance War. Conditional aid. They do their best to help us and at the t present, our people are resolved to struggle for peace, At me time they fully respect our sovereignty. This is quite unity, independence and democracy in the whole country. different from the "aid" by the imperialist countries It is because the Soviet Union and the People's .m million dongs of the new currency Republic of China are democratic and socialist countries 97 96 ==========第49页========== people have enough food and clothes, they will easilyi mplement the policies put forward by the Party and the Government. If the people are hungry, cold, illiterate andsuffer from disease, our policies, however good they maybe, cannot be carried out. We must know how to educate, lead and assist thepeople to increase production and practise thrift. Thriftmust be practised because if we live from hand to mouth,we will be in need. If the cadres skilfully lead and givepractical assistance to the people, and if the people endea TALK AT THE CONFERENCE your to increase production and practise thrift, they will be TO INCREASE PRODUCTION well fed and well clad, everything will go smoothly, taxeswill be speedily collected, finance will be sound if the AND FIGHT FAMINE people have enough food to eat, our country will be richbecause in an agrarian country like ours, everything dependsnn agriculture. If the cadres do not know how to lead and A saying goes that "Eating is the people,s heaven mive practical assistance to the people to increase production which means that for the people, eating is heaven, without and practise thrift, if the Party members do not set a good eating there is no heaven. Another motto says: "Only when esample, everything will be difficult to manage. That is food is secured, can good things be done which means why the policy of increasing production and practising that without eating, nothing can be done thriFt is one of our basic policies. We have to increase pro- That is why the policy of the Party and the Govern lie tion and practise thrift to improve the people's liveli- ment is to pay the greatest attention to the people's liveli hood, rehabilitate economy, develop culture and prevent hood. If the people are hungry, the Party and government and combat famine. The Party cadres at all levels and the are at fault; if the people are cold, the Party and Govern government cadres should pay the greatest attention to ment are at fault; if the people are illiterate, the Party and ine meaning production and practising thrift. Party members Government are at fault; if the people suffer from diseases, mmn be exemplary in this regard. the Party and Government are at fault The fact is that in localities where the population Therefore, the Party's and Government's cadres from huManize mutual assistance, conditions are better than in top to bottom, should pay the greatest attention to the laies where there are only donations by the government people's livelihood. They must guide, organize and educate there the population shows more enthusiasm in work and is the people to increase production and practise thrift. If the mme united, and production is higher. 101 ==========第50页========== The Party Central Committee has prescribed compul We should avoid subjectiveness sory loans of rice because shortage of food in a place does I ask you to lead, to organize and to help the people, not mean that the rice stock there has been exhausted, but to practise thrift, not to waste the food we have and at the that rice has been hoarded by the landlords. If compulsory name time to increase production in order to prevent the loans are carried out skilfully, rice can be found but some lamine in September. cadres do not do that and go on distributing rice. Worse In a word remember these three points still, in some places not only do the cadres not make com I- Fully grasp the policy of the Party Central Com pulsory loans, but even distribute government rice indiscri mittee and the Government minately to the rich peasants and landlords. This is because 2-Have at heart the people's livelihood, rely on the the cadres do not have a firm class stand. strength and creative initiative of the people. It is also because the class stand is not firm that the 3-Have self-confidence that you will succeed11 cadres become bureaucratic, that they deviate too muchnow to the left now to the right. When there is a rice short doing what you are resolved to do. In this way we are sure to increase production, to age, the cadres do not organize production on a self-helybasis and mutual assistance among the people, or they do practise thrift to prevent and combat famine. not make compulsory loans. When government rice is It is better to avert hunger than to fight it, as it is received, it is distributed so indiscriminately and belatedly tter to prevent disease than to fight it. that the hungry people do not receive rice in time while Among you there are people who have scored many those who are not hungry also receive it. Worse still, of the achievements, others few achievements, there are people government rice distributed, only one half reaches the who have many shortcomings, others few shortcomings, I hungry, while the other half is swindled or wasted have a few prizes to give you. Award them to the most Swindling or wasting is already a crime but to swindle outstanding cadres or the localities which have recordedthe greatest achievements. or to waste the rice intended for the starvelings is a moreserious crime. It is like the spies massacring our fellow- July I955 countrymen. That is a crime against the Party and the Government, the people, and the brother countries. A veryserious crime indeed. The cadres of the Party and Government must investigate the swindle and wastage to mete outproper punishment. At present, rice has been harvested in many localities Many cadres hurriedly think that there is no more famine. That is wishful thinking. 102 ==========第51页========== In I952, there were only four Army Heroes at the All-Vietnam Patriotic Competition Congress. This year,commemorating the Ioth anniversary of the foundation ofthe Democratic Republic of viet Nam, we have 26 more Army heroes. This is great progress for our Army andpeople in the armed struggle and in peaceful construction. This time. there are Heroes from battlefronts in the North, the Centre and the South: Heroes of the National Regular Army, of regional units and guerilla units; of TALK WITH THE NEW fighting units and specialized units, Heroes belonging tovarious national minorities Party members and non-Party ARMY HEROES members brilliant fighters. All the Heroes have splendid records and gireat revo On the Government,s decision, the Ministry for lutionary virtues. This proves that our Army is mature National Defence has today organized a solemn ceremony from every point of view. But do not think, comrades, to confer the title of Army Heroes on 26 most outstanding that this is enough; dont be conceited, and satisfied with emulation fighters in our army. During the Resistance our your achievements. You should continue to strive to make armymen did their utmost to fight the enemy and achieve new progress. glorious deeds, they enhanced the glorious tradition of the On this occasion, I should like to give you some People's Army and of revolutionary heroism, they over advice came all difficulties and hardships, fought valiantly, I- During the last ten years, our determination in accomplished glorious deeds and achieved brilliant suc- the emulation movement has produced brilliant success: cesses.Many heroes and outstanding emulation fighters we have preserved and developed the results of the August have emerged who are worthy of being the beloved sons Revolution, we have completely liberated the North, esta of the Fatherland. blishing a firm basis for the struggle to reunify the country At present, our Army is endeavouring to consolidate and to achieve independence and democracy for the whole national defence for the preservation of peace and defence country. At present, it is also thanks to our determination of the Fatherland. On behalf of the Party, the Government in the emulation movement that we have obtained a and the people, I commend the whole Army and congra- number of successes in the political struggle, in the con- tulate the new Heroes and the outstanding emulation Nidation of the North and the building up of the army fighters in the Army. in peace time 104 105 ==========第52页========== Compared with the duration of history, ten years arenot a long time. But if we look backward over the past tenyears, we see very great changes and progress in ourcountry and in the world: Not only has the great Soviet Union healed all their wounds of war since long but theyare successfully building communism. -The 600 million people of China have victoriouslycarried through their revolution and are building socialism. The Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea has APPEAL ON THE DAY succeeded in forcing back the advance of the invading. COMMEMORATING THE TENTH troops of sixteen nations. The other people' s democracies are rapidly advanc ANNIVERSARY OF THE ing in the building of socialism. FOUNDING OF THE DEMOCRATIC India, Indonesia and Burma have been freed from REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM the fetters of colonialism and become independent and freestates L The movement for national liberation is rising up Compatriots at home and abroad, powerfully everywhere, Many nations approve of the five Soldiers and officers, principles of peaceful co-existence In short, during the last ten years, the forces of peace Old and young people and children, and democracy over the world have developed powerfully Dear comrades and friends, and won supremacy. Imperialism is manifestly impaired Ten years ago, on this same day and at this same The Big Four conference at Geneva has contributed to place, the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Viet further ease world tension, which is a new victory gained Nam was announced by the forces of peace. Today, after years of glorious trials, our people During these ten years. along with the changes in the joyfully celebrate the tenth anniversary of the foundation world, our country has undergone great ones too of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam - Our people's just resistance has been victorious. Last year's Geneva Conference has brought back This is a glorious day for our people, as well as a dayof common joy for the oppressed nations and peace-loving peace to Indo-China, on the ground that every nation people the world over. should recognize the independence, sovereignty, unity, and 109 108 ==========第53页========== territorial integrity of Viet Nam and its neighbours, Cam- Our people and our Government firmly decide to bodia and Laos thoroughly implement the Geneva Agreement. The northern part of our country has been com We demand the southern authorities to correctly pletely liberated. implement this agreement. France, a party to it, must Our nation becomes an integral part of the bi honour her signature and fulfil her duty. family of socialism and people's democracy consisting of We hope that peace-loving nations, chiefly those goo million people. participating in the I954 Geneva conference and those These are great victories gained by our people. entrusted with the control and supervision, will endeavourto contribute to the correct implementation of the Geneva Agreement. Despite these great victories, at present we are facinggreat diffculties which must be overcome: Peace has not yet been consolidated. Our country The present task of our people and Government is to is provisionally divided into two zones. go on struggling for the thorough implementation of the -In the South, with the instigation and help from Geneva Agreement, namely, struggling for the consolida- American imperialism, the Ngo Dinh Diem authorities tion of peace and realization of unity. strive to increase their armed forces, launch internecine We must strive to enlarge and strengthen our National conflicts in Nam Bo, terrorize the people, strangle democraticliberties, and try to evade a consultative conference with United Front. We must strive to consolidate the North in every our Government with a view to avoiding general and field: free elections in the whole country and sabotaging thereunification of our nation Satisfactory completion of land reform; In short, American imperialism and the Ngo Dinh Rehabilitation of economy, particularly agriculturei Diem authorities are resorting to every possible means to Strengthening national defence and consolidating sabotage the geneva agreement public order and security; But despite any perfidious schemes of the American Raising resolutely and gradually the people's living imperialists and their hirelings, Viet Nams reunification standards, at first those of the workers, armymen and is certain, because our nation is a monolithic bloc that public servants, at the same time gradually reducing the no one can divide. Free general elections shall be realized beanants'contribution, because this is a dear aspiration of our entire people from To fulfil the above-mentioned tasks, everybody and North to South, as well as a general hope of peace-loving every branch of industry must enthusiastically take part in people the world over. atriotic emulation, increase production and practise 110 111 ==========第54页========== economy, respect and save state property, and wipe outcorruption and waste. During the past ten years, we have overcome manydifficulties and won many victories. This is due to the Can we fully carry out all these tasks We must and unity and single-mindedness of our people, the great we will! Because our fellow-countrymen are fervent patriots heroism of our troops, and the just and resolute leadership and earnest and hard workers Because our Party's and of our Government and Party. This is also due to our Government's policies are just and in line with the people's strong National United Front inside, as well as the support aspirations Because our cadres are zealous! And because given from outside by the peace-loving people the world our brother countries, first the Soviet Union and China, are over. striving to help us in a disinterested and generous manner,to enable us to be in better condition to work by From now on, we must so much the more consolidateand develop these forces. ourselves As regards the National United Front, we must Availing myself of this opportunity, I beg to renew, enlarge and consolidate it; furthermore, we are ready to in the name of our Government and people, our best unite and sincerely co-operate with anyone from South to thanks to these brother countries. To consolidate the North North, who approves of peace, unity, independence, and is, in practice, to help our southern compatriots in their democracy, should he have been in whatever party struggle for peace and reunification reviously. Our compatriots in the South have greatly contributed Unity is an invincible force to the August Revolution and heroically resisted foreigninvasion during nine long years. At present, though living The force of our unity has brought the August Revolution to success in an atmosphere of terror and trouble, our compatriots.always keep up their unshakable combativeness, and are The force of our unity has made the Resistance constantly faithful to the Fatherland and eager to wage an victorious unremitting struggle. The force of our unity will mobilize our people The Government, the Party and I are always thinking throughout the country, from North to South, to struggle of you, dear compatriots in the South, Availing myself of lor peace, unity, independence, and democracy for thewhole nation this opportunity and in the name of the Government andthe Party, I affectionately convey my greetings andencouragement to you who are heroically struggling forbeace and reunification Many difficulties are still cropping up. We shall notsubjectively minimize these difficulties, but will not beafraid of them. We are resolute to overcome any diffimulty whatsoever and will overcome it. 112 目HoM ==========第55页========== We are boldly advancing, armed with the strength ofthe unity and single-mindedness of, our entire people, aabsolute con fidence in the glorious future of our Fatherland and the determination of a heroic nation to winWehave won in our heroic nine-year resistance, we are sureto win in our present political struggle. Long live the unity of the Vietnamese people Long live the great unity of the peace-loving peopleof the world Long live a peaceful, unified, independent, demo-cratic, prosperous and strong viet Nam TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF ong live the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam NATIONAL DAY OF THEDEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC September 2, I955 OF VIET NAM (September I955 On September Second this year the Democratic Republic of viet Nam is ten years old, and the Vietnamesepeople who are from now on free on the greater part oftheir territory, are commemorating this glorious National Day with indescribable enthusiasm and joy. Right from the first days of colonial aggression andfor nearly one century, the Vietnamese people unceasinglystruggled against the invaders, evincing extraordinary gallentry and heroism. The guerilla activities of Truong Con Dinh and Truong Quyen in Nam Bo(I867), the Resistancemovements in I874 and especially in I884, the twelve-yearlong struggle under the leadership of Phan Dinh Phung(1HBA-1896)and following it the fighting led by HoangI loa Tham until the eve of the First World War, the movement of struggle in Trung Bo(Igo7), the Bien Hoa uprising(1914-I9I5), the insurrection in Hue(I9I6), the Thai 114 ==========第56页========== Nguyen uprising (I9I7), etc, give evidence of the fierce known in the national liberation movement of our country. struggle waged by the Vietnamese people for freedom and The National Front, with the Party as its main force, national independence. But at that epoch the Court and the mobilised and organised guerilla groups which fought feudalists who were still responsible for national interests, throughout the Second World War on the side of the Allies carried out the criminal policy of constant betrayal of against fascist aggressors. ae people's aspirations which consequently could notthe The victories of the valiant Soviet army over Hitier materialise Germany and later over Japanese imperialism greatly con The great October Revolution had given a new impetus tributed to the success of the General Insurrection on to the struggle of the oppressed peoples. The prompt settie August I9, I945, and on September 2nd the D eemocratic ment by the young Soviet power of the question of former Republic of Viet Nam was founded. Czarist colonies and its giving back freedom to the peoplesthere had a strong repercussion in all the colonies and semi Thus, owing to the defeat of fascism the world situa colonies in Asia. Victorious Marxism-Leninism has pointed tion became favourable and the August Revolution was out to all nations the road to self-liberationA Marxist successful because it possessed the three conditions thatcannot be absent in any anti-imperialist revolution in a Leninist Party was born in Viet Nam in February I930. While in the Yen Bai uprising(February Ig3o) the bour colonial country. These are the leadership of the working geoisie lost all its influence on the national liberation class, the setting up of a broad anti imperialist national movement, the working class and the toiling peasant masses front and the armed insurrection. re-organised their political party which became the only Thenceforward, the history of our country has opened leader of the anti imperialist revolution. In September a glorious pageThe Vietnamese people were freed. The I930, the first people's power was set up in three districts August Revolution has liberated them from the colonialists in North Trung Bo. TIis movement was repressed by oke, from any other enslavement of the imperialists and imperialism with unprecedented barbarit from the mandarinate. However, as early as I940, manyarmed uprisings The toiling people have for the first time became mas were organised in the North, Centre and Sout lers of themselves and of the destiny of their country. They Nam against the French colonialists and Japanese imperial set to work to drive away the dreadful spectre of famine ists. Although repressed. these insurrectionist movements which had killed two million people in the last months of were sparks and sparkles which, five years later, were to imperialist rule (from late I944 to I945), TIhey strove to flare up into a revolution smashing to pieces the foreign heal the devastating wounds left behind by the dirty enslav- rule in Viet Nam ing system whose practice continued until the middle of In May I94I, the Viet Minh National United Front thia century of successful revolutions, The toiling people was founded and this was thee broadest unitedbloc ever elected the National Assembly, began to build up people,s 117 11 ==========第57页========== wer and carried out various measures rapidly to wipe out Backed by the U.S. reactionary circles, the enemy illiteracy and ignorance left behind by the colonialists' rule. launched an all-out war against the Vietnamese people However, the French colonialists still dreamed of the But under the leadership of the Party and the Government, possiblity of re-establishing their oppressive regime in our the Vietnamese people united their efforts and unremittingly country. They regarded our peaceful attitude as a weakness. fought the enemy. They stepped up and spread guerilla Encouraged by the British-American reactionary forces and warfare in enemy-occupied areas. They succeeded in con- in collusion with the Chiang Kai-shek clique, on September solidating their rear and enthusiastically built their own 23, I945, they attacked the Vietnamese people in Saigon, peoples army. In co-ordination with the guerillas, the then sought to penetrate the North. Afterwards, trampling peoples army valiantly fought and annihilated theenemy on what they had pledged in the Preliminary Agreement of troops in many campaigns in Viet Bac in Autumn-Winter Iarch 6, I946 and the Modus Vivendi of September I4, 1947, on the Viet Nam- Chinese border in the last months I946, the colonialists perpetrated a massacre in Haiphong, of I950, in theMidland and Red River delta, in Hoa occupied Lang Son and staged repeated provocations until Binh, Ba Vi and on the Da River in I95I, in South Viet December Ig, when began the Resistance war of our entire Nam in 1952, in Lai Chau in I953 and finally, on ay eople against the invaders. 7, I954 it won the decisive victory at Dien Bien Phu. The Dien Bien Phu victory which was won right on the eve In response to the appeal of the Party and the Demo of the opening of the Geneva Conference, exerted a great cratic Government, our entire people rose up as one man influence on the proceedings of the Conference and contri to defend the Fatherland and the achievements of the buted to the signing of the Geneva Agreements guaranteeing August Revolution. the restoration of peace in Indo-China upon the basis of The National salvation war began in material condi- recognition of the national rights of the peoples of Viet tions unfavourable to the Vietnamese people: famine was Nam, Cambodia and Laos. rife: the henchmen of French colonialism and japanese At the same time, all political schemes of the imperialism were still swarming while the People's Army colonialists and imperialists namely "feeding war by war, could only be set up later in the course of the fighting. Therefore, in the prevailing situation, the French Expedi- aning Vietnamese to fight Vietnamese", the"independence" tionary Corps seemed to hold military supremacy and the and "democracy 'farces to mislead our people, and themperialist-pattern“ land reform”… turned bankrupt enemy took advantage of all our difficulties, believing thatthese difficulties would help them swiftly to triumph over Throughout that period, the Party and the Govern our young army and annihilate our Democratic Govern- ment also paid attention to the building and development ment. But the situation developed completely contrary to of the economy, finance and culture of the Democratic their expectation and proved that they were utterly Republic. First and foremost, the land reform on the mistaken principle of "land to the tiller"began to be carried out 119 ==========第58页========== As a result of the efforts made to maintain and expand invaluable support. They were on our side in the most the indispensable branches of small industries and handi critical moments of the Resistance war and shared joy with crafts,our people and army were supplied with more us when peace was restored. consumer goods. Growing of rice and subsidiary crops as The Democratic Republic has won a glorious victory well as all work for the improvement of irrigation and for because this is the victory of the oppressed over the flood fighting were encouraged. Transport and communi- oppressor, the victory of freedom over slavery. Our peoplle cations were developed to an adequate extent. The State have escaped re enslavement and the achievements of the sector in the national economy - national bank, trading August Revolution-peace, unity, independence and demo concerns came into being and grew up steadily national cracy -are safeguarded and strengthened education, the education given to the peasantry and thearmy, and the struggle against illiteracy, obtained extraor-dinary results in spite of difficult conditions Thus, in all military, political and economic spheres, Peace has been restored in Indo-China on the basis our young democratic republic has victoriously stood the of recognition of the independence, sovereignty, unity and tests and trials of the war in which, according to Lenin territorial integrity of Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia all the virtues of a people must be given full expression. peace has been brought to us by the I954 Geneva Confer The ardent patriotism and the ideological and political ence, It cannot be consolidated as long as our countr nity of our people and army around the Party and the remains partitioned by the provisional demarcation line at Government helped us to weather unimaginably difficult the I7th Parallel, Moreover the attitude of the southern ordeals and create political, economic and military condi authorities and their sponsors is a serious threat to peace tions for victory. which has been restored for only two years. Their unshakable confidence in the success of their Indeed, if the first step i.e. the military stage stipu Just cause inspired our people and increased their bravery. lated in the Geneva Agreement, in general, ended satis The virtues and combativeness that our armymen, factorily, as the whole territory of North Viet Nam has been guerillas and cadres succeeded in learning in the particu liberated, on the contrary, the second step i.e. the stage larly rich history of the national liberation movement, leading to the reunification of Viet Nam through general helped our young army score historic feats of arms and elections to be held in I956, cannot as yet be started as a tinge its banner with an eternal glory. result of Ngo Dinh Diem's deliberate hindrance. The bright example of the Soviet and Chinese armies The southern authorities savagely massacre our compa and peoples continuously inspired our people and fighters trots and all patriotic and peace forces in the South. and contributed to the tempering of cur heroes. The French Within only one year, they committed more than 3,000 people and all peace-loving people in the world gave us crimes and violations of the Geneva Agreement. At least 120 121 ==========第59页========== 4,000 patriots were killed or wounded and over I9,000 The above-mentioned tasks are really heavy and com arrested. In addition to these terrorist acts the Diem licated as a result of the war, colonialism and the feudal administration also feverishly carried out the U.S. political system. However, thanks to the assistance of the brother line with a view to turning South Viet Nam into a U.S. countries, we have greater and greater possibilities and can colony and military base, which would be permanently have confidence in a successful future. Indeed, after the incorporated in the sphere of activity of the South-East talks in July between the Vietnamese Government Delega- Asian aggressive organisation (S.E.A.T.O. ) Despite these tion and the leaders of the Soviet Union and of the People's deeds of his, Ngo Dinh Diem shamelessly boasted as being Republic of China, these two countries decided to grant a <4 fighter" for peace, democracy and independence of us aid totalling I, 530, 000 million dongs in the coming Viet Nam. years. The other democracies also give us priceless assistance This situation has determined the tasks of the in our work of rehabilitation. This aid is carried out in the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam form of supply of equipment, machines and technicians. which has set itself as primary objective the strict and Many economic and cultural sectors of viet Nam benefit by correct implementation of the Geneva Agreement; that is, this assistance. immediately to hold the Consultative Conference between This selfless and unconditional aid, beneficial to the the North and the South, the first step towards the holding people, is completely different from the " aid"conceived of free General Elections to reunify the country. Thus, by the imperialists. Through their aid", the imperialists peace and national reunification are our main demands always aim at exploiting and enslaving the peoples. The for the time being. Marshall Plan that has gradually encroached upon the Besides, we have to heal the war wounds, gradually sovereignty of the recipient countries is eloquent proof raise the people's living standard and build up a genuinely of this free and democratic new life in our country. To do so, we In its relations with other countries, the policy of the have, on the one hand, to rehabilitate our national econom Democratic Republic of Viet Nam is clear-cut and trans agriculture, handicraft, transport and industry. Since theycan enjoy peace, our people have enthusiastically entered parent: it is a policy of peace and good relationship. This this road, But greater efforts still have to be made to policy is based on the five great principles put forth in the Sino-Indian and Sino-Burmese joint declarations, which cultivate the land laid fallow, repair dikes to prevent floods,and build up an irrigation network to do away with are:mutual respect for territorial integrity and national drought and famine, as these two calamities are inseparable. sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal On the other hand, the welfare of the Vietnamese toiling affairs, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful co-existence people must be raised gradually on the basis of increasedlabour productivity. Old currency(now 1,530 million dongs). 122 12:3 ==========第60页========== Particularly the Bandung Conference has shown that and international relaxation of tension. The peoples these principles are supported by broad circles of public democracies have also been strengthened in the political opinion in Asia and Africa. and economic spheres. The successful Chinese revolution We particularly urge the maintenance of peaceful has liberated 600 million people who are advancing hand relations with our neighbours, namely Cambodia and Laos. in hand to happiness. With the brotherly support of the As regards France, we continue to advocate that we can Chinese Volunteers, the Korean people have driven back establish with it preferential economic and cultural relations the Syngman Rhee clique and the troops under the shadow in conditions of complete equality and mutual benefit, of the U N. banner. The Vietnamese people have won first of all, mutual confidence and sincere co-operation victory in the started by the French colonialists and On this tenth anniversary of the National Day, looking wrested back peace at the Geneva Conference. The peace back to the past, we can rightfully be proud of the path forces are growing stronger and succeed in consolidating traversed. But we also- and chiefly- turn to the future their position. All these great achievements have brought and are aware of what is still to be done. We still have to our people a boundless confidence in the magnificent carry out a hard, long and intricate political struggle. future of our Fatherland and in the certain victory of However, if we are persevering, resolute and vigilant, if our cause. our Party and the National Front continue to apply the Though still meeting with difficulties and obstacles, tested principles of criticism and self-criticism we have we are going forward with the confidence and enthusiasm every reason to believe that our Party and National Front of the victors will continue to apply them we will certainly wincomplete success Article appearing in the review4 For a lasting peace,so for a people's democracy in its issue of December: 2, I955 n the past ten years, the camp of peace and democracy has made big progress. The Soviet Union hastriumphed over the fascist invaders and since then hasobtained many important achievements in the building of Communism as well as in its policy of struggle for peace The Afro-Asian Conference held from April 18 to 24, 1955 in Bandung (Indonesia) was attended by 29 Afro-Asian countries. The Conference approved the Declaration on he condemnation of colonialism and work-ed out several measures to strengthen the economic and political relationsamong the Afro-Asian countries. It issued a statement on the ten principlesf or peaceful and friendly co-existence among he nations 124 125 ==========第61页========== out their conscience to the U. S imperialists, all Viet-namese wish that their country should be reunified, andreunified through peaceful means. Therefore, if all membersof the front endeavour to make the people understandthe significance of the Manifesto, the great majority willcertainly welcome and support the Manifesto, The manifesto is a broad one because it reads theront is ready to welcome into its ranks all those who are he Us-Diem schemes to divide the sincerely opposed to the US-Di country, and sincerely support national unity. The Front ADDRESS is ready to unite with all patriots whatever their political TO THE CLOSING SESSION tendencies or their religions. Thus the Front will include OF THE VIET NAM FATHERLAND persons who now sincerely want to serve the Fatherland,whatever parties or groups they may have belonged to in FRONT CONGRESS he It is a firm one because the Front is based on thegreat majority of the people made up of workers and Dear members of the Presidium peasants, and at the same time covers all strata in our Dear delegates society. After several days of hard work and animated dis The Fatherland Front is supported by the great cussion,the Congress has unanimously adopted the new majority of our people. It will be supported by all peace Manifesto of the Fatherland Front. This is another loving people throughout the world. This practical, broad and firm character will ensure victor a glorious future for the Front. We can say that this is a Manifesto of Broad Unity, I avail myself of this occasion to express a few the aim of which is to struggle for peace, reunification,independence and democracy for the whole country. opinionsThe Front has produced a correct Manifesto. This Everybody must recognize that the Manifesto of the is very good for the coming struggle. But this is only the Front is very firm, broad and practical. first step on the road leading to complete victory. From It is practical because it is in perfect agreement with now on, we have to struggle hard to put the Manifesto the deep aspirations of our countrymen from North to into practice. This struggle will be frauaught with diffic South. Apart from a handful of individuals who have sold and hardships. We must show patience and determination 126 127 ==========第62页========== The first and most urgent thing we have to do is to make with the support of peace-loving people in the world, everyone acquainted with the Manifesto, and make it force them to move. clearly understood and widely known from North to Dear delegates, South, so that everyone may fully grasp the spirit and History has shown, in the last few years, that the contents of the Manifesto and wholeheartedly support it. force of our peoples unity is invincible, and the Peoples The North is the foundation, the root of our United Front has won many victories people's struggle. Only when the foundation is firm, does The Viet Minh Front has brought about the triumph the house stand firm. Only when the root is strong, will of the August revolution the tree grow well. To put the Front's Manifesto into The Viet Minh- Lien Viet United Front helped to practice, we must endeavour to consolidate the North in bring the Resistance war to final victory. every way, we must make the North progress steadily andbecome strong we should certainly not allow the conso We may be sure that with the efforts of all of us, with lidation of the North to slow down the support of the entire people, the Fatherland Front will To make the North progress and become strong,1s fulfil its great task of contributing to the building of a to take practical account of the South. peaceful, unified, independent, democratic, prosperous andstrong Viet Nam. Some people have said The Front has produced I ask the delegates to convey the Governments and a good Manifesto. But n case the U. S.-Diem clique do my own greetings to all our fellow-countrymen and in not budge, what shall we do ?y particular, to our compatriots in the South who are now Here is the answer: By its very nature, a stone will engaging in heroic struggle. not budge of itself. But when many people join hands,abloc of stone, however heavy it may be, can be moved. September I955 We are united and resolved to consolidate the North,to put into practice the Front's Manifesto; thus weshall have a very great thrusting force. And the U.S.- Diem clique, although they want to stay, will not beable to do so, and although they do not want to move,they will have to. That is why we should not ask: "What if the U.S.- Diem clique do not budge 7 But each of us should askhimself: What efforts have I made Have I done myduty?" If all of us endeavour to consolidate the Northand to put into practice the Fronts Manifesto, we will,128 iI M 129 ==========第63页========== To achieve this, our teachers and students shouldstrive to make further progress. In the first place, we have to wipe out the vestiges ofthe enslaving colonialist education, such as indifferencetowards society, standing aloof from manual work and fromthe peoples struggle, studying with the sole aim of gettingdiplomas, and teaching by cramming. And we should be imbued with this thought: to teachand to study to serve the Fatherland and the people. The LETTER TO TEACHERS, STUDENTS school should not be divorced from the true conditions in YOUTH ORGANIZATION the country and the life of the people, Teachers andatudents should, according to their situation and their CADRES AND CHILDREN abilities, take part in social activities useful to the countryand people. Dear teachers, students, youth organization cadres, Besides, each education cycle should keep in mind its and children, present tasks On the occasion of the new school year, I wish to tell - University education should combine scientific you a few things: theory with practice, endeavour to study the brotherly In the last school year, after complete liberation of the rountries' advanced theories and science, at the same time North. the teachers and students have made great efforts, keeping in mind the true conditions in our country, in the students have made good progress in their studies. The order to bring practical contributions to the building of the schools were full and lively. We should rejoice at this t ountry. achievement Secondary education should give the studentsmound and practical knowledge, adequate to the require But that is only a first step. ents of the construction of the country. It should put Our schools are those of a people's democracy, the aim aside education which is not useful in everyday life. of which is to train good citizens, and good cadres, future e Primary education should make the children love masters of the country. From every point of view, our the fatherland, the people, work and science, and respect schools should excel those of the colonialists and the publie property. The method of teaching should be easy feudalists and lively, children should not be forced to imitate grown-up 130 131 ==========第64页========== people. Special attention should be given to the children's health. I also wish the families to maintain close contact withthe schools, to educate their children, encourage them tostudy diligently, to live a healthy life and to help thepeople. For the new school-year, I wish the teachers, cadresand children: Unity, Effort, Progress. October 3I, I955 APPEAL FOR EMULATIONTO INCREASE PRODUCTION AND PRACTISE THRIFT IN 1956 Fellow-countrymen and cadres in the provinces, Early this year, the Party and Government made anappeal to the people for emulation to increase productionand practise thrift. We have so far attained a number ofachievements: the fifth-month and the tenth-month riceharvests were quite good, other crops, cattle rearing, forestexploitation, fishing and salt extraction have been givengreater attention and initial results have been obtained. The fight against drought, floods, insects and storms hasalso obtained fairly good results. These achievements area good basis for us to carry out the I956 productionlan. In order to consolidate the North and make it abasis for the struggle to reunify the country, the Government will carry out a plan for economic rehabilitation 132 ==========第65页========== in I956 covering agriculture, industry, trade, communi- Endeavour to protect production against natural cations and transport. In these spheres, agriculture is the calamities and sabotage. most important To do these things well we have to mobilize the Agricultural production in I956 should be a first people, make them take part eagerly in production, and step towards solving the problem of supplying food and consolidate and expand the movement for mutual-aid raw materials for the restoration of small industries, teams handicrafts, and bigger industries, and supplying forest If these things are well done, the main part of the and farm products for developing trade with other economic rehabilitation plan will be realized. Consequently countries the people's living conditions will be improved, and our In order to obtain the above-mentioned results, our country will progressively become a prosperous and peasants should practise emulation in: strong one. Growing more rice and other crops, increasing Leadership should pay close attention to the follow- productivity and enlarging the crop area, growing more ing points in places where land reform has been carried crops per year, cultivating all the land lying fallow and out or is to be carried out later on, cadres should regard putting more waste land under the plough the leading of production as the most important task. In Restoring the cultivation of industrial crops, espe places where land reform is being carried out, the leading cially cotton, sugar-cane, coffee, and other industrial of production is very important; theReform Leading plants and fruit-trees. Committees and the Reform teams should take steps to Breeding more animals in order to have enough ensure the fulfilment of the production plan at the same cattle for ploughing and more pigs and poultry for the time. people's food. Leadership should be concrete, timely, practical, and Developing fishing and salt extraction and increas focussed on some main targets, and should closely follow ing supplies of fish and salt for consumption some typical cases. It should fight against the fear ofdifficulties, of expecting everything from others, Wide Forest exploitation should go hand in hand with forestpreservation, attention should be paid to the planting of propaganda concerning the policies for encouraging production should be carried out. trees along the sea-coast The I956 production and thrift competition is a very To carry out these things satisfactorily, we should: important one. Agricultural production is most important Complete land reform speedily and well I hope that all cadres and all our countrymen will enthu- intensify the movement for improving technique siastically take part in this competition. in irrigation work, in the use of fertilizer, in seed selection The Peasants' Committees have the main respon and the manufacture of farm tools, etc sibility for ensuring the fulfilment of the production plan 13⊥ 135 ==========第66页========== The Youth organizations have the duty to set a goodexample and impel the movement forward. The womenmust endeavour to produce much and well All branches should have plans to assist agriculturalroduction Our agricultural production is still meeting withmany difficulties. There may be natural calamities, theenemy will do everything to sabotage our work, our peopleare suffering from shortage after so many years of ruthlessexploitation by the imperialists and the feudalists, Butmany favourable conditions obtain: NEW YEARS GREETINGS Our people are putting all their heart into increas ing production and practising thrift. Land reform is expanding every day. To compatriots all over the country and Vietnamese The Party and the Government are carrying out residing abroad, clear and correct policies. To the armymen and cadres of mass organisations, The brother countries are helping us. administrative services and the Party, These are basic advantages; we are determined to On behalf of the Party and Government, I affection- avail ourselves of these advantages to overcome diffi ately send to you all, on the occasion of New Year Day, culties and fulfil our tasks Our plan for increasing production and practising my wishes of solidarity, happiness, health, striving and thrift will certainly be carried out progress The Party and the Government are expecting good On this occasion, we have to review the last years results and are ready to give awards to those cadres, situation and set the task for the new year. countrymen and units with the best achievements in In I955, roughly speaking, the world situation was competition. follows: Let all our countrymen and all cadres enthusiastically Thanks to the policy and the efforts of the Soviet take part in competition if we are determined, we shall Union, China and other countries of the democratic camp, certainly win victory. and the struggle of peace-loving governments and people, I wish you brilliant success. the world situation in general was less tense than before,although the imperialist camp still continued their prepara December I9, I955 tions for war. 137 136 ==========第67页========== The N.A.T.O. military alliance and the Paris Treaty fascist policy of the southern authorities, to oppose the aimed at rearming West Germany, and the S.E.A. T O. ag farce of "peoples referendum", and the schemes of sepa- gressive bloc headed by the U. S. are the cruel schemes of rate elections to the National Assembly"and preparation the warmongering imperialist camp. But the contradictions for a sham "f constitution", our compatriots from North to between them become deeper, and their difficulties ever South struggled for the correct implementation of the increasing. Geneva Agreements, and the holding of the consultative The conference of the Asian-African countries in Ban Conference to discuss free general elections throughout the dung in April, the Geneva Conference between the heads of country, and opposed every violation of the Geneva four great nations in July, the visit of Indian and Burmese Agreements. Premiers to the Soviet Union and other countries. first of The just struggle of our people was wholeheartedly ll that of the two Soviet leaders to India, Burma and supported by the world people Afghanistan, etc. were very important events which have The International Commission whose chairman is the strengthened the world forces of peace. Indian delegate, has striven to control and supervise the But the situation in Indo-China was still tense because implementation of the Geneva Agreements. the U.s. imperialists increased their intervention in South Last year, several parts of North Viet Nam were hit Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos, induced the southern y drought, flood, storm and bad crops. But our compa authorities blatantly to violate the Geneva Agreements and triots, diligently and enthusiastically strove to overcome all the French government did not correctly implement what difficulties and restore the economy. The recent crop was they signed in the Geneva Agreements. airly good. Due to this situation, in the coming year the peace- and reform was carried out in the delta loving governments and peoples all over the world must Industry and trade were restored. make further efforts to strengthen peace and develop the Culture and education recorded good achievements five principles of peaceful co-existence. Particularly, the The army scored many successes in study. National Vietnamese people and the Cambodian and Laotian peoples defence was consolidated. must be more united to struggle against the U. S imperialist The Thai Meo autonomous zone was set up and our intervention, and to fully implement the Geneva Agree- mountain compatriots were very enthusiastic. ments in order to bring genuine peace to Indo-China. In short, all strata of the people were united andsingle-minded, enthusiastic for work and for increasingproduction. This shows that our democratic republican system is Concerning the situation at home, to struggle against very firm and beautiful, because it wholeheartedly serves the policy of intervention of the U.S. imperialists and the the people and enjoys its full support. 138 139 ==========第68页========== Our southern compatriots are heroically struggling These are very heavy but giorious tasks. While carry- against the puppet dictatorial power of the U.S. for better ing them out, we shall face many difficulties the U.S. living conditions, for democratic freedoms and the implementation of the Geneva Agreements. Our beloved South will intensify their interference; their agents will blatantly Viet Nam is always worthy of being the brass wall of the Sabotage the Geneva Agreements; the imperialists andfeudalists, working hand and glove, will hinder the conso Fatherland. The Fatherland Front has been set up with a platform lidation of the North by our people which fully accords with sense and sentiment, that is why We must fully realize our difficulties, and the enemy's it has gained the support of our people and the sympathy constantly be on the alert and fight the enemy s of the peace-loving peoples the world over. sabotaging activities, and be always resolute in overcoming This situation sets before us the following tasks: all obstacles I- The whole people should unite closely, resolutel Though our difficulties are numerous, we have also wage the political struggle, carry out the Programme of the very favourable conditions. Our people are more and more Fatherland Front, urge the southern authorities to correctly united,confident, enthusiastic and painstaking. Generally implement the Geneva Agreements, and to hold a consul speaking, the world position is developing advantageouslyfor us. The brother countries endeavour to help us. Many tative conference with our Government in order to carry outational reunification on an independent and democratic more friendly countries approve of and support us. basis The key point is all compatriots living at home and 2- Our compatriots in the North must strive to abroad must further unite within the Viet Nam Fatherlandront and strive together to consolidate the north in every consolidate the North in every field, namely: F field, for the North is the foundation of our peoples Complete land reform in a satisfactory way. Democratic Republican regime be consolidated our sourforces; onlywhen the North is firm and strong can tl Emulate in production and practise economy, carryout the plan for economic rehabilitation and cultural ern compatriots will have strong support in their struggle development in I956. against the U.S. imperialists and their lackeys Carry on the consolidation of national defence. To consolidate the North, everyone, every branck Keep order and security, repress the saboteurs. should enthusiastically take part in patriotic emulation the 3-On the diplomatic field: to tighten solidarity with increase production and thrift. We must fulfil at any cost the Soviet Union, China and other brother countries the I956 plan for economic restoration and cultural strengthen friendship with the neighbouring countries: development. Cambodia, Laos, India, Burma, Indonesia; unite with the If our entire people maintain their persistent struggle French people and the people of the world to safeguard and their deep confidence, while combating impatience and peace. subjectiveness, our adversaries can no longer persist in 40 141 ==========第69页========== their deliberate stubborn attitude. They are doomed tofailure because they run counter to our people's aspirations. Compatriots We have waged a long and hard struggle before wesecured the present victory now that we are waging a hardand complex political struggle to consolidate and extendthat victory, to maintain peace, realise unity, achieveindependence and democracy in the whole country, we aredetermined neither to shirk any difficulty nor spare any TELEGRAM TO THE 20th CONGRESS effort. Therefore, we shall certainly win OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION I wish again: For elders, good health and long life Compatriots of all walks of life, to unite as one and Dear comrades, take part in patriotic emulation and progress On behalf of the Viet Nam working class and people, Youngsters to enthusiastically enrol in shock-teams we convey to the 2oth Congress of the Communist Party pioneers to learn studiously and be of good behaviour i of the Soviet Union our warm brotherly greetings Armymen to drill successfully The 2oth Congress of the C. P.s. u. is an historical Cadres to be determined to fulfil their tasks and score event of great importance. Not only does the success of many achievements. the Congress exert direct influence on the success of I wish all compatriots new successes in the new communist building in the Soviet Union. but it is also year. associated with the future prospects of the world move Long live a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic, ment of struggle for peace, democracy and socialism. Th prosperous and strong Viet Nam! 2oth Congress of the C. P. S U. marks an important ste Long live world peace forward bf the Soviet people in building communism andsafeguarding world peace. The achievements recorded b January I956 the soviet union in peaceful construction and in extending friendship among the peoples are evidence of theextraordinary power of Marxism-Leninism. They stimulate 142 143 ==========第70页========== the working people all over the world,enhance theirconfidence in their self-liberation from all oppression and confidence in the glorious future of the Vietnamese peoplleand that of mankind exploitation. They inspire more strength in the people of I wish brilliant success to the 20th Congress of the colonial and independent countries who are struggling toliberate themselves from foreign imperialist yoke. They C, P, S U. The Viet Nam Workers' Party and people spur forward the peace-loving people throughout the world believe that under the clearsighted directives of the to further cement their solidarity around the Soviet Congress and the talented leadership of the Central Com- Union. to frustrate the imperialist warmongers'schemes mittee of the C. P S U, the heroic Soviet people will and broaden the world peace areas successfully fulfil the Sixth Five-Year Plan, thus makingthe Soviet Union a more powerful country and consolidate The viet Nam Workers' Party and people are en- world peace. thusiastically turning towards the 2oth Congress of the Long live the great Communist Party of the Soviet C P.S. U. because this Congress is a source of new Union strength to the Vietnamese people in their struggle for a Long live invincible Marxism-Leninism peaceful, unified, independent, democratic, strong and Long live the Soviet Union, the bulwark of world prosperous Viet Nam. peace The Vietnamese people consider the Soviet peoples Long live the unshakable friendship between the achievements as their own. With the disinterested and Soviet and Vietnamese peoples! generous assistance given by the Soviet Union, Chinaand other brotherly people's democracies, we pledge to February I956 realise a broad and solid unity among the Vietnamesepeople, for the purpose of economic and cultural restorationand development; besides, we shall struggle to smash allschemes engineered by the U. S. imperialists and theirhenchmen, strictly implement the Geneva Agreements,achieve national reunification, thus contributing a positivepart to the safeguarding of peace in South-East Asia and the world. Dear comrades The Vietnamese people, who are now keenly watchingthe work of the 20th Congress of the C P S.U. aresincerely grateful to the Soviet Union and have unshakable 10 145 ==========第71页========== of IIanoi the cordial feelings of the Soviet people. Thevinit of the Soviet delegation to our country will certainlyeontribute greatly to promoting sincere friendship betweenour two peoples The Vietnamese people and the Soviet people arerothers in the great family of socialism and people'sdemocracy. For so many years, our two peoples have beenunited and struggling under the victorious banner of Marxism-Leninism, for the cause of the people, of freedom and democracy, for building socialism and preserv SPEECH AT THE MEETING OF ing world The triumph of the Russian October Revolution HANOI PEOPLE TO WELCOME THE wakened the oppressed peoples and opened the way of DELEGATION OF THE SOVIET liberation to the peoples of colonial and dependent coun GOVERNMENT tries, among which was our own Viet Nam The Communist Party of the U. SS R. founded by Lenin has led the Soviet people to socialism and is Comrade Head of the Delegation of the Soviet leading them to communism; at the same time. it isshowing the way to the peoples of the world to unite Government and struggle for their liberation Comrades in the Delegation After nearly forty years, the Soviet Union has suc Fellow-countrymen, ceeded in building socialism and is making big strides Today the people of Hanoi and the entire people of towards communism. The Soviet Union has become a Viet Nam are happy to welcome the delegation of the most powerful country and a strong bastion for the de-fence of world peace. U. S. S.R. Gtovernment led by Comrade Mikoyan The Vietnamese people will for ever be grateful to We enthusiastically welcome the delegation and the Soviet Union which has defeated the fascists in present our warmest greetings to the leader of the dele I rope and in Asia and contributed in a decisive manner gation and to the comrades in the delegation. The Soviet to the cause of the liberation of mankind from slavery delegation brings to the Vietnamese people, to the people and helped bring our August Revolution to victory. All through the long and hard Resistance, our people k. The Soviet Government Delegation, headed by Mr Mikoyan, Firstice Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, visited viet Nam from 2 enjoyed the deep sympathy of the Soviet and Chinese to 6 April 1956. peoples, and of peace-loving peoples the world over. 146 147 ==========第72页========== struggle through many years, and has set forth the 6 th The Governments of the Soviet Union and of the live Year plan to make the Soviet Union still richer and People's Republic of China were the first governments to stronger. The Congress has been a source of inspiration recognize our country, and this is for our people a further and joy for the peoples of the world, it has still more encouragement to struggle until complete victory is clearly shown the Soviet people the way to victory, and at achieved the same time it has helped our people and the peoples of At the Geneva Conference in I954 the delegation of the world discover the correct line to follow in the strug the Soviet Union and that of the Peoples Republic of gle for independence, democracy and peace. China most strongly supported our diplomatic struggle, Feeling a deep gratitude to the Soviet Union, our and helped us achieve a great victory the restoration of people in Hanoi are extremely happy to greet our dear peace in our beloved Fatherland on the basis of interna comrades representatives of the great Soviet Union tional respect for Viet Nam's independence, sovereignty, On this occasion, I wish to remind our fellow-coun- unity and territorial integrity. trymen in Hanoi and throughout viet Nam of the tasks As a result of our victory in the Resistance war and be fore us. at the Geneva Conference, North Viet Nam has been The North has been liberated, but our country has completely liberated. not yet been reunified. That is why we should endeavour Since the restoration of peace, the Soviet Union, the to consolidate peace, consolidate the North, and at the People's Republic of China and the countries of the name time struggle hard to achieve reunification on the cople's democracies have given generous aid to our people basis of independence and democracy, by peaceful means and our Government, to help heal our war wounds and Since the restoration of peace, we have in a short reconstruct our country. They have given us uncondi- time made the North much stronger. We have made tional aid, and have also sent technicians to help us efforts, we must make still greater efforts. To express our gratitude to the Soviet Governmentand people, to strengthen further the brotherly solidarity li This year we have satisfactorily to complete landm and provide land for all the peasants in the North. between our two peoples, a Government and Party dele We have to fulfil the State Plan, rehabilitate our gation from our country last year visited the Soviet Union economy and begin to develop culture. I commend my and was given an impressive and fraternal welcome, We fellow-countrymen in the villages, the towns, on the express our heartfelt thanks to the people, Government. eonstruction sites, in the factories and schools, etc, for and Communist Party of the Soviet Union their achievements in the realization of this year's plan The Soviet Union has rendered our country great. At the same time, we have further to consolidate services. It has rendered great services to the cause of world national defence, repress the saboteurs and maintain peace. The 20th Congress of the Communist Party has accurity and order for the people summed up the rich experience of the Soviet peopies. 149 148 ==========第73页========== With these efforts, the living conditions of all strata The implementation of the Geneva Agreement is of the population will gradually improve, our people will meeting with difficulties. But this should not discourage have enough food and clothes and will be healthy and our people. We must believe in the great force of united literate. struggle from North to South on the basis of the Fatherland Agricultural taxes have to some extent been lowered. front Programme, Our struggle has to be a persevering Salaries have been increased. But this is only the first step. one, but it will certainly succeed. Together we have to endeavour to make the people's life On the international plan we must be closely united increasingly comfortable and happy. This is the policy set with the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and forth by our Party and our Government. the other brotherly countries To consolidate the North is to provide a solid basis We wish to maintain peaceful and friendly relations for the struggle to reunify the country. with all countries, in accordance with the five principles of As long as our country has not been reunified,our eaceful co-existence. We wish to have good relations with entire people have to struggle with determination to reunite neighbouring Cambodia and Laos. We will further promote North and South, to build a peaceful, unified, independent, riendly relations with the countries of South East Asia, democratic, prosperous and strong Viet Nam. especially with India, Burma and Indonesia. We fully implement the Geneva Agreement and Fellow-countrymen, demand that the opposite side do the same. We must To bring about its present-day great victory, the struggle on the basis of the Geneva Agreement to achieve Soviet Union has gone through innumerable difficulties and reunification of our country through peaceful means. hardships, Because the Soviet people are united and deter The French Government, which has signed the Agree mined in their struggle, because the Communist Party and ment, should not shirk its responsibilities. We demand the Government of the Soviet Union have observed correct that the French Government correctly carry out the signed policies, the Soviet people have overcome all difficultiesand won great victories. greement From a juridical point of view, the South Viet Nam The Vietnamese peoples struggle for independence authorities have. the responsibility to implement the has won a great victory in the North. The road to national Geneva Agreement. The reunification of Viet Nam should reunification is still strewn with difficulties. But our pre be discussed between representatives of the North and of sent difficulties cannot compare with those of the Soviet the South, with a view to bringing about free general Union in former days. Therefore, if we are united and elections. Those who do not want to discuss these questions struggle hard, victory will certainly be ours and who do not respect the people's will, are going against Once more, on behalf of our fellow-countrymen in the people's aspirations and interests and will be opposed I Ianoi and throughout Viet Nam, I present our warmest by them. greetings to the Soviet Government delegation led by 151 50 ==========第74页========== Comrade Mikoyan and request the delegation to convey tothe Government and brotherly people of the Soviet Unionour affectionate and most grateful greetings Long live the eternal friendship between Viet Namand the Soviet Union Long live a peaceful, unified, independent, demo-cratic, prosperous and strong Viet Nam! Long live the great Soviet Union Long live world peace April 3, I956 SPEECH CLOSING THE 9th (ENLARGED) SESSION OF THECENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THEVIET NAM WORKERS PARTY Ccomrades, The gth(enlarged)session of the Central Committeehas achieved good results. After several days of intensivework, we have grasped the great significance of the 2oth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union This Congress has Analysed the new situation prevailing in the worldpointed out the new conditions favourable to the preservation of peace and the advance towards socialism by the Revolutionary Parties of the working class and the labouring people Clearly shown the Soviet Union's victorious roadgiving us still greater enthusiasm and making us believestill more strongly in the invincible force of the Soviet Union, the bastion of revolution and of world peace 152 ==========第75页========== Pointed out the tasks of the Communist Party in the just been freed from the imperialist and feudal yoke. That ideological and organisational fields. The Congress parti- is why bad thoughts, non-proletarian thoughts, can easil cularrly emphasized the application of Marxist-Leninist get into our Party. principles to collective leadership, and opposed the cult of The clear conclusions and the exemplary courageous the individual criticism and self- criticism by the Congress testify to the While recognizing that war may be averted, we must continuous progress and successes of the Communist Party be vigilant to detect the warmongers' schemes; for as of the Soviet Union. This has increased the enemy's fears long as imperialism exists, the danger of war still exists and they are intensifying their slanderous propaganda. While recognizing that in certain countries the road to In speaking of our own Party, we make this special socialism may be a peaceful one, we should be aware of this remark: We have collective leadership but we also have a fact: in countries where the machinery of State, the armed number of shortcomings because forces and the police of the bourgeois class are still strong, We are still weak in political theory and we have not the proletarian class still have to prepare for armed fully grasped the practical situation. struggle We have not set forth proper Party work regulations While recognizing the possibility of reunifying viet Democracy within the Party has not been fully Nam by peaceful means, we should always remember that extended self-criticism and criticism, especially criticism our people's principal enemies are the American imperial from below, have not yet been developed. ists and their agents who still occupy half our country To overcome these shortcomings, we have further to and are preparing for war therefore we should firmly develop collective leadership from the Central Committee hold aloft the banner of peace, and enhanceour down to the Party organisations in the localities, in govern vigilance ment organisations as well as in Party organisations In speaking of the cult of the individual, we should Collective leadership should be on a par with indivi- have a balanced view with regard to Comrade Stalin. Com dual responsibility. rade Stalin made great contributions to the Revolution, but Party work regulations should be clearly defined, the- he also made serious mistakes highest principle of the Party, the principle of collective The Congress has taught us a lesson in very coura leadership, should be ensured. geous criticism and self-criticism. This is a victory for the Democratic principles should be broadened, self- criti Communist Party of the Soviet Union and also a common cism and criticism, especially criticism from below, should victory for the brother parties be widespread. We should raise our theoretical level. Theory This lesson is very valuable to the brother parties and must be closely linked with the realities of the Revolution to our Party. Our Party has grown up in the condition of a we shoud always take into account the prevailing condi- colonial and semi-feudal country only half of which has tions, and maintain close contact with the masses 154 155 ==========第76页========== We should always remember that the most importantpoint in our present economic plan is gradually to improvethe people's living conditions We have to recognize that the cult of the individualexists in some measure inside and outside the Party ialthough it has not yet brought serious consequence it hasalready limited initiative and diminished the enthusiasm of Party members and the people. This cult of the individual exists from the Central tothe communal levels. To fight this evil, the principal means to be used iseducation; at the same time, we have to enhance the role of LETTER TO THE CADRES FROM the Party, of the collectivity and of the people SOUTH VIET NAM REGROUPED In this session, you have sincerely criticized your IN THE NORTH selves and criticized the Central Committee and the Political Bureau; this is very good. We are not afraid ofshortcomings, because we have sufficient will and deter Dear cadres from the South regrouped in the North mination to correctheem+ From May Ig to this day, I have received from you Sincere self-criticism and frank criticism is the most and your children many letters conveying to me your effective weapon to overcome shortcomings and develop wishes of longevity. I am writing this letter to thank qualities. Therefore, not only have we to develop criticism you all. and self-criticism in the Party and in the government On this occasion, I wish to answer some of your organs but also to welcome frank criticism from the people. questions. We are united and one-minded, we have great confi -It is often said that <4 North and South belong to dence in the Soviet Union, the socialist camp, the forces the same family and are brothers of peace in the world, in our people and our Party. These words have a deep significance. They testify Let us boldly go forward. Victory will certainly to the firm, unshakable solidarity of our people from ours. North to South. Your very presence here testifies to thissolidarity. Since the day you were regrouped here, you April 24, I956 have regarded the North as your home, you have overcomeall difficulties, and eagerly taken part in the constructionof the North. A number of you are in the army to contribute to the consolidation of national defence. Others are 156 157 ==========第77页========== in government services. Yet others are engaged in agricul by the Party and the Government. There has not been ture, working in factories and on construction sites. sulticient supervision and continuous control on the part Everyone has endeavoured to do his duty. Many have of the Party and the Government. attained brilliant achievements and have been awarded The Party and the Government have realized these medals. Among other such units, there is the 7th company, shortcomings and are actively putting things right with a which has taken the lead in every task and has been view to carrying out the policy which has been set forth commended eight times. It has set a good example of the I hope that you will actively contribute to putting things Southern cadres, heroic labour. right in a constructive manner In the name of the Party and the Government, I From the moral aspect, if everybody understands that congratulate you all and urge you to make continuous our political struggle will certainly be victorious but will efforts and constant progress. be a long and hard struggle, then the tendency to become Our policy is: to consolidate the North and to keep impatient, pessimistic, and to succumb to other cares, will in mind the South. disappear. To build a good house, we must build a strong The political struggle will certainly be victorious foundation national reunification will certainly be achieved To have a vigorous plant with green leaves, beautiful As you know, the camp of socialism and people's flowers and good fruit, we must take good care of it, democracy led by the Soviet Union is growing stronger and feed the root and stronger. The area of peace includes countries The North is the foundation, the root of the struggle with a total population of I, 500 million people and for complete national liberation and the reunification of is continuously expanding. Recently, three African coun the country, That is why everything we are doing in the tries have recovered independence. Several small countries North is aimed at strengthening both the North and the like Cambodia Ceylon, have adopted a policy of neutra South. Therefore to work here is the same as struggling lity and peace. In many countries in the U. S. camp, such in the South, is to struggle for the South and for the whole as Thailand and the Philippines, there is also an anti of Viet Nam American movement. Thus the United States is becoming Struggle is always accompanied by difficulties. But more and more isolated. Therefore the world situation is your difficulties are our, common difficulties favourable to us. After fifteen years of devastating war the newly The Americans and their agents are endeavouring to liberated North is suffering many privations. In addition sabotage the Geneva Agreement. They refuse to hold to this, the different administrative levels and responsible political consultations with us, to organize in due time cadres have not paid enough attention to your material free general elections as has been stipulated in the Geneva and spiritual life, have not proceeded as had been decided Agreement, they are scheming to divide our country 158 159 ==========第78页========== permanently. They are betraying the people,s intereststheir ranks are being torn by internal strife, that is why, The situation in the world and at home is favourable despite their arrogant attitude, their strength is unstable to us, our people are united and firmly believe in final like that of a palace built on sand. victory, that is why our present political struggle, althoughlong and hard, will certainly be victorious. As to our struggle, it is a just struggle, the peaceloving peoples of the world support us. Our people from This letter is quite long enough, and I think youhave all understood North to South (including the patriots among the religioussects and parties in the South) hate and oppose the I wish you good health and much progress.I send many American-Diem clique. The North is being increasingly ses to you and to the children consolidated to become a firm support, a strong base forour entire people's struggle. For these reasons, our political June I9, I956 struggle will certainly be victorious The present political struggle is a stage in our nationaldemocratic revolution Ever since our country was first occupied by theFrench colonialists, our people have been strugglingcontinuously for over 8o years. The result was the triumphof the August Revolution. Then came the Resistance warwhich lasted nearly nine years, Our brilliant militaryvictory brought about a brilliant diplomatic victory. The Geneva Agreement has recognized our country's inde-pendence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. But the Americans and their lackeys are striving tohinder the reunification of our country. We must continueour struggle. The Revolution and the Resistance have been victorious thanks to our people's close unity, great en thusiasmfirm belief in victory and extremely persevering struggle. In the present political struggle, as in the Revolution andhe Resistance, our compatriots in the South are in thevanguard, closely united, and struggling heroically andperseveringly. 160 I I HCM 61 ==========第79页========== holding of political consultations to discuss free generalelections to reunify the country. But the U.S. imperialists and the pro-American autho-ities in South Viet Nam are scheming to divide ourcountry permanently, and preventing the holding of freegeneral elections at the time prescribed by the Geneva Agreement. They are acting against the interests of ourfatherland and our people's wishes Faced with this situatio sacred duty is continue to struggle with determination for the implementa LETTER TO THE VIETNAMESE t lon of the Geneva Agreement and the reunification of our PEOPLE THROUGHOUT country by peaceful means, on the basis of independenceand democracy, for the completion of the glorious task of THE COUNTRY national liberation Our present line of struggle is the entire people fromlorth to South united closely and on a broad basis in the Dear fellow-countrymen, Viet Nam Fatherland Front, will endeavour to consolidate For nearly a century, our people heroically struggled he North and make it a strong base for the struggle for against the colonialists. The result was the triumph of the national reunification August Revolution and the foundation of the Democratic All those who are descendants of the Hong lac s, all Republic of Viet Nam. those who have a conscience, cannot do otherwise than to But the colonialists were plotting dark schemes approve and support this noble aim. That is why we are provoked war in an attempt to reconquer our country. After uniting on a broad basis all those Vietnamese at home and nearly nine years of our entire people's extremely heroic abroad who love their Fatherland, peace and unity. With and hard struggle, the Resistance was victorious. The thin strong unity, we are making continuous efforts to bring Geneva Agreement restored peace, recognized Viet Nam's the North and the South near each other, we are struggling independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, with determination to consolidate peace, to achieve unity, stipulated that free general elections be held throughout independence and democracy in the whole country. the country in July I956 to reunify the country. Our present political struggle is a long, hard and Strictly implementing the Geneva Agreement, the complex one, but it will certainly be victorious. Victory is Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam hasrepeatedly proposed to the South Viet Nam authorities the ancient name for the Vietnamese people. 163 162 ==========第80页========== certain because our cause is a just cause, our people are Reunification is our people's life-line. Broad unity is closely united and one-minded, and our fellow-countrymen an invincible force. Thanks to broad unity, our Revolution in the South and in the North are struggling with heroism, has triumphed, our Resistance has been victorious. With because the peoples of the world are supporting us, the broad unity, our political struggle will certainly win victory, world peace movement is growing stronger every day, and our country will certainly be reunified the imperialists, warlike schemes are being increasingly foiled July 6, I956 To comply witn our people's ardent wishes, whichareto consolidate peace and achieve reunification on the basisof the Geneva Agreement, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam has decided on these practicalmeasures I. To restore normal relations and free movementbetween the two zones; to create the required conditionsfor establishing contacts between political, economic,cultural and social delegations of the North and of the 2. To open political consultations between representatives of the two zones in order to discuss free generalelections to reunify the country on the basis of the Geneva Agreement. Dear fellow-countrymen at home and abroad, Our viet Nam must be reunified. Fellow-countrymenin the South and in the North will certainly be reunited All our countrymen should be resolved to unite closely andon the broad basis of the Programme of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, should participate wholeheartedly in thepatriotic emulation movement, endeavour to consolidate the North and struggle with determination and perseverancefor a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and pros-perous Viet Nam. ==========第81页========== After seven days of discussion and exchange of expe-riences, you are now probably more experienced than I am. Iut I would like to contribute a number of my own experiences. r) In order to wipe out illiteracy among the greatmasses, where the overwhelming majority are peasants, theeducation movement should be a mass movement. Weshould stand close to the masses, discuss with them, ap-ply forms and methods suitable to their life, and relyupon them to promote the movement. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN AT THE ormerly, a number of other cadres and I carried out F clandestine revolutionary activities in Cao Bang. The major CONFERENCE REVIEWING THE ity of our compatriots there were Nung, Man, and Tho", MASS EDUCATION IN THE ho knew little Vietnamese, lived scattered in the moun FIRST HALF OF 1956 tains far from one another, and were busy with their workand both teaching and studying had to be done in secret. We carried out mass education in these difficult conditions On behalf of the Party and Government, I inquire but we succeeded. The cadres drafted a plan, in consul- after your health-cadres and mass education fighters tation with our compatriots, and the latter told themwhat to do. The literate taught the illiterate, those who and congratulate the mass education service on its achie knew much taught those who knew little. vements duringthe first six months of the year. Over the past six months, 2, I00, 000 persons attended classes. This Classes were run in caves i each village sent a person is a great achievement. Formerly, in the imperialist and to study for a few days, then he went back and taughthis co-villagers. When his knowledge was exhausted he feudal days, over go per cent of our population were illi- returned to the class and learned some more. While terate. Later, the late Mr. Nguyen van To and a number teaching others, the teachers also learned for themselves. of progressive people worked for the popularization of the Such was the method we adopted for the mass education national script. They made great efforts but only 5,000 work and for its development into a movement. persons per year went to classes. In the first six months At that time, in spite of the enemy restrictions and of this year, there were over two million pupils. This is continuous persecutions, our compatriots were very stu a great achievement, but we should not consider it as suf- ld make further efforts and avoid self- ious, women and children being more studious than men. ficient, we shouldconceit and complacency. h National minorities. 167 ==========第82页========== At present, on my visits to the classes, I also find that a)Mass education work is also teaching work, but women and children are more numerous than men. Many not in schools or classes provided with lamps and books men have not attended classes yet. There were no classes an in general schools. It is a wide, complicated, and self or schools then people who went weeding or gathering aufficient movement. General schools are divided into first vegetables appointed a place and went there to teach one second, third, and fourth forms, but in mass education. there another. Buffalo boys gathered at a certain spot and are students of all kinds, the young, the old, some know learned from one another. Cadres going to the fields to much, others just a little, some assimilate quickly, others work were often stopped by the villagers and asked to slowly, therefore this is a hard task which requires much hear them recite lessons; if the lessons were wrongly read patience and effort. The fear of difficulties and hardships out, the cadres would correct them; if they had been well is not admissible in mass education. Sometimes, we have learned, the cadres would be asked to give a new lesson. to come and teach a mother of many children at her own the method of tea ching is not suitable to the leant tfWorkers and peasants have a lot of work to do. house. With those aged people who are reluctant to at rners. to tend classes, we should patiently convince them to do so their work and mode of life, if we expect classes provided or sometimes come and teach them in their own houses ith tables and benches, we cannot be successful. The In order to wipe out illiteracy from among the people, organization of teaching should be in accordance with the industriousness is indispensable, bureaucratism and order- living conditions of the learners, then the movement will ing about are impossible. last and bear good results. Our compatriots are still poor The work is inconvenient and hard, and gives no and cannot afford paper and pens, therefore a small fame at all. In the Resistance war. if we succeeded in pocket exercise-book is enough for each person. Reading killing many of the enemy we could become model and writing exercises can be done anywhere, using char- lighters or heroes working in factories, if we make many coal, the ground or banana leaves as pens and paper. innovations or surpass the production target, we become Clandestine cadres were to teach and make one person also outstanding workers or labour heroes. Mass education literate every three months. At that time, there was no work though not giving us fame, nor being a well-sound- assistance from the Government, no Ministry, or depart- ing job, is however very glorious. We should not stand ment in charge of educational problems, but in such pre- in one place and wish for another one; we should not carious conditions, the movement kept developing, like nourish the wrong intention of giving up mass education oil spreading, the literate teaching the illiterate. wk and entering a technical school, or teaching in a In studying like in teaching, the youth is the main general school or taking another profession force of the mass education movement. Everywhere, we In social life there are many professions, a division should make the youth understand this task, In teaching as of work is therefore inevitable. I do one work, you take well as in studying the youth must always be in the van up another. Mass education work is an important one 168 169 ==========第83页========== having a great bearing on the nation and society, and also will be accepted as a teacher in a mass education class. If on the building of our Fatherland. Although not a well he or she has committed serious faults, the job will not be sounding, famous or outstanding job which makes one given to them, either in mass education work or any othe become a hero, it is really a very important one. a peerson works. Ifa certain young person whose parents are guilty who is now a mass education worker should refrain from landlords, does not follow his or her parents, he or she is the desire of assuming another profession not guiltyand can maintain citizenship rights like other 3)Mass education work is also placed under leader- young people. He or she can attend classes or take part in ship. We have the Ministry, the Department, the Zonal and public work or join people,s organizations. This point the Provincial services. To lead is not to sit and write should be well understood and correctly applied by you office notes at the desk. In the Resistance time, there were who live in the countryside. cadres who could draft a good programme for secondary 5)Mass education work, though apparently not education but were unable to take charge of a mass educa heroic, can be of a very great service to the nation if it leaders should closely unite with vays in the office. Thetion class because they were al can wipe out illiteracy among the people in three years. and assist the cadres to Our country would be proud of having rapidly eliminated overcome difficulties; bureaucratism and ordering about illiteracy In so-called civilized countries such as the U.S.A., are to be avoided. In any work, close connection with the Great Britain and France, there are still some illiterate people is essential, mass education services at all levels people. To wipe out illiteracy in two or three years is a should correct their own mistakes if any, and learn from very great victory. We should realize this and make further the exprience of others efforts. By so doing, it will not be this young man or that 4) Formerly, being poor, workers and peasants could young woman who becomes a hero, but all cadres and not send their children to school only a small number of teachers working for mass education will be heroes; and children could attend class, the majority of these were collective heroes are all the better. from well-to-do families which had enough food to eat. In If illiteracy is wiped out in three years, new tasks are the countryside, only the children of landlords and rich set for the Government, the Ministry of Education, and peasants could go to school. Some cadres put the question the Ministry of Culture you too, you will be faced wi as to whether the children of landlords and rich peasants new tasks. It does not mean when everybody knows how should be allowed to teach in a mass education class. This to read and write, you will have fulfilled your tasks and is posing the question incorrectly. Any youth, male or you may rest or take up another work. female, is given this job if he or she is good, otherwise the Illiterate people should learn to become literate. work will not be entrusted to them. a worthy young person When they have learned to read, they should push further who does not approve his or her parents' exploitations in their studies. Literate people will fall into illiteracy and does not side with them to act against the people again if they have no reading materials. The Government 170 171 ==========第84页========== cand the Ministry of Education have therefore the task offurnishing books and newspapers suited to the standards ofthese readers You have the task of helping our illiterate compatriotsto become literate, then to push forward their studies. Soyou yourselves should push forward your studies in orderto be able to teach at a higher level. Our nation goesforward, the cadres should also go forward. They shouldmarch in the lead in order to ensure the continuous pro-gress of the nation To conclude, the Party and the Government will TALK WITH INTELLECTUALS reward such communes as wipe out illiteracy first in adistrict, such districts as can do so in a province, and such ATTENDING THE POLITICAL COURSE provinces as can do so in the whole country. OF THE VIET NAM PEOPLES If you want to be rewarded, you should make ef UNIVERSITY Making efforts does not mean issuing order and compellingpeople to come and study, or to force them to study beyondtheir capacities you should be industrious, and makeefforts in accordance with the mass-line I am very pleased to see that despite the difference of Our compatriots are very studious, we have experiences ages, professions, and abilities, you are all prompted by of this, If our cadres endeavour to enrich their experien the same will, that is to make progress so as to serve the ces, exchange their views, and discuss matters with Fatherland and the people more effectively. That single one another, the work will certainly be successful mindedness has resulted in your solidarity even in this I present you with I5 remembrance insignia as class. Unity is the force which leads us to all victories. rewards to those cadres who have obtained good achieve Here are some ideas of mine for your consideration ments. Revolutionary forces: The main revolutionary forcesare the workers and peasants. The reason for this is that July I6, I956 hey are the producers of all wealth that keep Societylive, and that they make up the most numerous and alsothe most heavily exploited section of the population. It isalso because their revolutionary spirit is firmer and morepersevering than that of all other social strata. 172 173 ==========第85页========== However, the revolution also needs the force of intel The time you spend in this class being relalively short lectuals (generally called brain workers). For instance iect of your studies cannot be too great nor too high doctors are necessary for the preservation of people's What you learn here can be compared to a small seed. health; teachers for the education of people and the train Later, you shall continue to take care of that seed. You Ing of cadres engineers for economic construction, etc shall make it grow into a plant, then make the plant So, brain workers play an important and glorious role gradually blossom and bearfruit in the revolution and in socialist construction and workers, In my personal opinion, that seed can be described in Ints, and intellectuals should be closely united as one these eleven words 4 Dai hoc chi dao, tai minhminh duc, bloc tai than dan"(The doctrine of University education Close link with the workers and peasants The colonial-ist and feudal regimes have deliberately separated the consists in promoting lofty virtues and in uniting with the intellectuals from the bloc of workers and peasants. They people). have created the thought that Everything but book-read Briefly speaking, minh minh duc means to have right- ing is worthless". They used intellectuals in their ruling cous mind, and" than dan', to serve the people and put apparatus for their own profits. To sow dissension between the people's interests above all. In other words, to undergo sufferings before the brain workers and manual workers is also a part of theirdivide and rule' policy people and to enjoy happiness after the people. We all have more or less inherited the thoughts, Nowadays, such severance should be gradually wipedout, and the working people(brain workers and manual habits, and manners of the old society. Therefore, it is noteasy to materialize the two words chinh tam'(righteous workers) should be closely united in order to join effortsin the building of a new and happy society mind I am of the view that, on the way towards unity, Wee have to go through a struggle between the old and intellectuals should take the initiative in making the first the new in ourselves, an arduous, hard and unremitting step to come to the workers and peasants; I am sure they struggle but if we are resolute, the new will win over the will be warmly welcomed by the latter old and the righteousness of mind will achieve success Freedom of thought: Our regime being a democratic Method of study To study is a lifelong matter. one there should be freedom of thought. What is freedom Theory should be closely coupled with practical work. No In all matters, everyone is free to express his own view, one can pretend to have sufficient or thorough knowledge. t hereby contributing to the establishing of the truth. That The world changes every day. Our people are progressing in a right and also a duty of all people. day by day. We should therefore continue to study and After everyone's view has been expressed and truth practise what we have learnt so as to keep pace with the has been established, freedom of thought turns into free- people's progress. dom to obey the truth. 74 175 ==========第86页========== Truth is what is beneficial to the Fatherland and to capitalists and feudalists do nothing but use theintellec the people. What is detrimental to the interests of the tuals for their own profits. Only under the Revolution are Fatherland and people is not truth. To strive to serve the intellectuals highly valued. Only under the new democratic Fatherland and the people is to obey the truth. regime and socialist regime will intellectuals have the right Attitude of the Party and the Government towards conditions in which to develop all their abilities. A salient intellectuals As a part of the revolutionary forces, intellec example: American papers themselves admit that at present tuals have the task of carryingout emulation foor serving Western countries have altogether 760,000 experts and the Fatherland and the people. Our Party and Government engineers, while the Soviet Union has 890, ooo; China has therefore highly appreciate the people's intellectuals who planned to train within I2 years as many new experts and work for the people. engineers as the most advanced country in the world. You To build the country, an increasing number of good know only too well that our country has very few experts intellectuals is required. The Party and Government should and engineers, We have to train many more. on the one hand help the present generation of intellectuals The task of the intellectuals is to carry out emulation to progress day by day and on the other hand strive to in their work and at the same time help the Government train new intellectuals to train new intellectuals The Party and Government should help the intellec Since the intellectuals of our country have confidence tuals by educating them so as to give them a firm class in the great future of the nation, in the correct policy of stand, a correct viewpoint, sound thinking, and democratic the Party and Government, and in their own ability to manners. In short, intellectuals should be helped to make progress,I am firmly convinced that you will glori achieve a righteous mind and close connections with the ously fulfil your tasks. people As regards cadres and other personnel, I congratulate As far as the method of education you on your efforts to serve the class and assist the should follow the principle of voluntariness and self-cO students. That is good sciousness. There should be explanations, discussions, and There are among you both Southern and Northern persuasion instead of compulsion, Intellectuals should be people. South and North are of the same family. There helped to emulate each other in their studies and work. should be genuine unity, mutual affection and assistance, They should also be shown how to practise the method of and serenity of mind in your work. It is also an important 'sincere self-criticism and frank criticism' so that all of and glorious task for you to help the political class to be them may make uninterrupted progress, unite with one successful. I hope you will do your best another, and serve the Fatherland and people. This political class is the first of its kind. That is why eactionary propaganda puts out the slander that he attendance is limited. Many other people wish to come intellectuals are disregarded by the revolution. In fact, the here for political studies too. I hope you will endeavour to 176 I M 177 ==========第87页========== make this class brilliantly successful so as to set anexample for the classes to come. With workers, peasants, and intellectuals being closelyunited we shall be able to overcome all difficulties andobstacles and shall be victorious in the consolidation of the North, taking into consideration the South, and in thestrengthening of peace and realization of national unity. We shall certainly be successful in the building of apeaceful, unified, independent prosperous and strong Viet Nam I wish you good health and much progress. CONSOLIDATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF IDEOLOGICAL July 21, I956 UNITY AMONG MARXIST-LENINIST PARTIES The 2oth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was warmly greeted in the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam as in all other countries and considered as an extremely important historical event. The new measures takenfollwing the Congress in the home and gn policies the Soviet Union, the development of the revolutionaryenergy of the masses pointed out by the Congress, showthat the significance of the Congress of builders of com-niam cannot be fully appraised. It is beyond questionthat the great programme translated into the targets of theiwth Iive- Year Plan, the raising of all political, economicand social forces of the country as put forth in the Congress, the checking of the personality cult and its consequences, are brilliant successes recorded by the Soviet Aion, which allow us to look forward to new great achie-vement of the Soviet Union in the near future 179 ==========第88页========== The important theoretical principles set forth by the However, our enemies hoped to undermine the social- 2oth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union iat camp from inside. They made a big error in thinking on peaceful co-existence between countries with different that their hopes could come true, mistaking the development social systems, on the possibility of preventing war in the of socialist democracy for a beginning of disorder and utter present phase, on the multiform character of the transitional losm of spirit of organisation and inner Party discipline period towards socialism in various countries, all these among Marxist-Leninist parties. principles have contributed to the consolidation of the It is crystal clear that once victorious, socialism can forces ofpeace, democracy and socialism throughout the never tolerate the personality cult and its harmful conse- world quences. The energetic measures taken by the Central The Congress also revealed new possibilities and. Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to opened new prospects to the working class movement for do away with the personality cult and its consequences, set socialism and to all peoples who are defending their nation a brilliant example of unprecedented political boldness in al independence history. The strict implementation of these measures in no The effective struggle against the personality cult as way weakens but consolidates ideological solidarity among unanimously approved by the 2oth Congress of the Com- builders of communism, centered around the leadin munist Party of the Soviet Union, exerts a great influence nucleus faithful to Lenin. The absolute prestige of the over the whole communist movement. The June 30, I956 Communist Party of the Soviet Union is more and more resolution of the Central Committee helps us understand enhanced and consolidated. Starting from Lenin's position more deeply the question of the personality cult, and that regarding the question of criticism and self-criticism, the of overcoming its consequences. Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Speaking about the conditions required for the admis- Union clearly stated that it had more concern with the sion of various parties into the Communist Internationaly necessity to correct mistakes and educate the party of the V.I. Lenin pointed out that: "In the present phase, that of working class and of the masses of people, than with the fierce internal war, the Central Committee can fulfil its task question of " what would the reactionaries say".Lenin only if it is organised in the most centralised way, if there held it as the criterion of a correct and serious Party which is inner-Party iron discipline, almost as rigorous as military is clearly aware of its responsibility and grasps the fact that tial and enjoys the general esteem of all its members. t.discipline, and if the central organ of the Party is influen- the future interests of the movement should always comebefore everything. Obviously, Lenin meant that the stage of fierce civil Such a policy certainly enhances now as in the future war and the restriction of democracy imposed on the Soviet the prestige of the C.P.S. U. in the socialist camp, as well people were only provisional and had to be abolished as as among the toiling masses of the capitalist countries and soon as the new regime was consolidated. dependant countries. 180 81 ==========第89页========== An uproarious campaign of slander, launched by our While the imperialists increased their organisation enemies on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union for and set up international aggressive blocs such as the having worked out measures to liquidate the consequences s.E. A. T.O., N. A. T O,, Baghdad Pact, the Viet Nam of the personality cult, proves that they were blind politi Workers'Party has never departed from its policy of cally; history will confirm it before long. The C.P.S.U. cementing relations with the brother parties. again demonstrates that the most important aspect of self The viet Nam Workers' Party is aware that inter criticism is to practically and effectively correct one's national reaction is hatching big schemes, especially errors. The scientific analysis of the conditions engenderin bouth Viet Nam and in the whole Pacific area"(Taiwan errors has the effect of preventing their recurrence. All louth Korea.. ) It is also aware that through these fraternal parties can draw valuable lessons from the docu plots, international reaction is spearheading its forces at ments of the 2oth Congress, the high level of developing the national liberation movement, at the working class further Marxist-Leninism. It is beyond question that the and peasants in Asia; that while carrying out these resolutions of the 20th Congress will help brother parties achemes, imperialism is seeking every means to weaken correct their errors and improve their work. the ideological unity and fraternal solidarity between the Marxist- Leninist parties of the working class in various In the struggle to build a peaceful, unified, indepen- countries. dent, democratic, prosperous and strong Viet Nam, the Viet In the present international conjuncture, national Nam Workers'Party has always grasped the identity be features and conditions peculiar to each country become tween the interests of the struggle for the liberation of all a more and more important factor in the elaboration of peoples from imperialist yoke and those of the struggle for the policies of every communist and workers'party. At the liberation of the toiling masses from exploiting capital the same time, Marxism-Leninism remains the unshakable ism. Therefore, it has been able to lay the foundation for a basis of the common struggle of all parties, exchange of solid friendship between the Vietnamese people and other experiences on this struggle keeps its full meaning and peoples such as the Cambodian, Laotian and French peo- questions arising for this or that party is in no way this les In a wider meaning, in the struggle for national re or that party's own concern,, but has vital connection unification, the Viet Nam Workers' Party has never isolated with the international proletariat as a whole. itself from the fraternal parties, in its whole practice, it has For example, we, Vietnamese people, not only have proved that genuine patriotism can never be separated from to define our own methods and measures in the struggle proletarian internationalism, and that the fraternal alliance against the U.S. imperialists'and south Viet Nam admi between all fighters for a common cause liberation of nistration's schemes to perpetuate the division of our mankind, building of a classless society, peaceful co-exist country and in our struggle to gradually advance to social- ence and lasting peace- is unshakable. ism -this is obvious -but, our Party also clearly 1821 ==========第90页========== nderstands that our activities now and in the coming I lowever, a profound study of it has spotlighted many period cannot be confined within the mere national limit, shortcomings. that these activities are connected by thousands of ties We must admit that the personality cult has also with the general struggle waged by the progressive world, existed to some degree in Viet Nam, both inside and out and that the genuine solidarity shown by the socialist side the party. Though it has not led to serious errors camp and the peace-loving peoples throughout the world yet it has limited the initiative and fighting spirit of is as necessary to us as it was formerly, during the Vietnamese people's resistance war for national salvation the active elements and of the people. We have foundmanifestations of the personality cult both in leading The 9 th' plenary session of the Central Committee central and local organs to overcome these shortcomings, of our Party, held from April I9 to 24, I956, made a we have decided to improve ideological work in the deep study of the documents of the 20 th Congress ofthe C. P. S U. Participating in the work of the Session Party and among the people. In a recent session, the Council of Ministers high were members of the Central Committee, secretaries ofthe Party committees of zones, provinces and important lighted the great achievements made in the carrying out of towns and a number of responsible cadres in central land reform and in economic rehabilitation, in raising the organs. peoples living standards and in the political consolidation The Viet Nam Workers' Party has recorded bi of our people' s democratic State. The Congress also results in the creative application of Marxism-Leninism pointed out many shortcomings and errors in the imple to the vietnamese reality. Our people scored great vic mentation of the policy of alliance against feudal influ tories during and after the war, in the consolidation of ence in the countryside, in methods of struggle against the completely liberated North, and in the political,eco the enemy of the working class, in the implementation nomic and social spheres. Besides, the Party could unite in of the finance policy and in the readjustment of orga the Viet Nam Fatherland Front all patriots struggling for nisation independence and national reunification through peaceful In the press and at Party meetings, we have con means. stantly called on all Party members to strengthen their ties The resolutions of the g th plenary session of the with the masses and take into account the situation in Central Committee of the Viet Nam Workers' Party also the South while putting forth and carrying out the Party emphasised the great significance of the principles of policies. Our struggle is not yet over. We still have to collective leadership in the building and consolidating of overcome many difficulties, especially those arising from the Party, the importance of which was em" partysised at the the partition of our country and the wrong execution of 20 th Congress of the C P S U. In general, ourhas carried out the principle of collective leadership. ficult policies. We are firmly convinced that these dif-correc les can be overcome and that we shall be victorious 184 185 ==========第91页========== because our Party enjoys the confidence of the people, the and tirelessly struggle to defend the purity of Marxism support of the socialist countries and the sympathy of Leninism, which is our common treasury study and progressive forces all over the world. apply correctly the theoretical principles of Marxism By severely criticising Stalin's errors and by launching Leninism to the realities of each country. We are confi- a resolute struggle against the personality cult, the 20 th dent that under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, vic Congress of the C P S.U. has set us a brilliant example tory wil certainly be ours. of political boldness and deep confidence in the people. The Viet Nam Workers' Party considers the cricitism of the Article appearing in Pravda, August 3, I956 personality cult as an eloquent proof of strength, and agreat victory of the C P S. U. and of the world revolutionary movement. Our enemy has attempted to make use oof thee criticism of personality cult to mitigate the influence of thegreat achievements recorded by the Soviet Union and toblemish the revolutionary movement which is ceaselesslygaining more victories. They try to sow confusion amongthe communist and workers' parties and to split the ranksof the toiling people. But their efforts will be set at naught. Like other brother parties, the Viet Nam Workers'Partyis clearly aware that the struggle of the C P.S. U. andits fraternal aid has a very great signiticance for theberation of all peoples, All manoeuvres of the enemy ofcommunism to blemish the Soviet Union and its Communist Party will certainly fail We are clearly aware that our common enemys clam-ours only betray their fear in face of new forces andnew victories. Faced with the ever more perfidious schemes of the imperialist reactionary influence, now morethan ever, we must strengthen and develop ideologicaunity, solidarity among communist and workers'parties, 186 187 ==========第92页========== assistance and affection should be as between brothers andsisters Closely unite with their compatriots in the wholecountry. Endeavour to emulate with one another in promotingproduction and fulfilling the State Plan, with a view toproviding enough food and clothing foor everbod ody, ena- bling everybody to study, and making the Viet Bac Auto-nomous Region prosperous and wealthy. Eagerly contribute to the consolidation of national LETTER TO COMPATRIOTS IN THE defence, the building of security forces, the safeguarding VIET BAC AUTONOMOUS REGION of the country, and a peaceful and happy life for thepeople Cadres of the Army, of popular organizations, of the Dear compatriots in the Viet Bac Autonomous administration and of the Party should be closely united, Region mingle their lives with the people, endeavour to serve the On the occasion of the founding of the Viet Bac Au people, be industrious, thrifty, honest, and righteous, and tonomous Region, on behalf of the Party and Govern resolutely fight against bureaucratism, ordering about, cor ment, I convey my affectionate greetings to compatriots, ruption and waste armymen, and cadres in the whole region With the heroic revolutionary traditions and the deep The aim of the founding of the Autonomous Region patriotism of the people of Viet Bac, our autonomous as to get the brother nationalities in the entire region to region will certainly make continuous progress. Being an join hands and manage their own affairs, to develop thei integral part of the D. R. V. N, the Viet Bac Autono- capacities,and to make rapid progress from all aspects mous Region will make valuable contributions to the political, economic, cultural, social. In order to reach this common cause of the entire people to consolidate the aim, our compatriots should North, while paying regard to the South, and to build a Realize close unity between the various nationalities peaceful, united, independent, democratic, prosperous and am. and between the different strata of the population mutual strong Viet Greetings of affection and victory k The Congress to establish the Fiet Bac Autonomous Zone opened at August Io, I956 Thai Nguyen on August 10, 1956. The viet Bac Autonomous Zone is thesecond to be set up after the Thai-Meo (North-West) Autonomous zone 188 189 ==========第93页========== This victory has been scored thanks to the correctpolley of our Party and Government, the united struggleof the labouring peasants, the active support of the Armyand the people, and to the cadres' sacrifice and efforts. On this occasion, on behalf of the Party and Governhent I affectionately: Congratulate our peasants on their victory Congratulate the land reform cadres, the communalw adres and activists who have undergone hardships, over LETTER TO THE PEASANTS AND come difficulties and perseveringly struggled CADRES ON THE SUCCESSFUL Congratulate the people and the army who haveactively contributed to the common victory. COMPLETION OF LAND REFORM Land reform is a class struggle against the feudalists, IN THE NORTH an earth shaking, fierce and hard revolution. Moreover, theenemy has frenziedly carried out sabotage work, a numberof our cadres have not thoroughly grasped the land reform Two years have passed since the victorious end of the policy or correctly followed the mass line the leadership Resistance, the northern part of our country has been of the Party Central Committee and of the Government is completely liberated from the colonialists' shackles now sometimes lacking in concreteness, and control and encou the peasants in the North are also freed from the yoke of agement is disregarded. All this has caused us to commit the feudal landlords, errors and meet with shortcomings in carrying out land Nearly ten million peasants have received land, tens reform: in realizing the unity of the countryside, in fighting f thousands of new cadres have been trained in the the enemy, in readjusting the organization, in applying the countryside. The organization of the Party, administration, policy of agricultural taxes, etc. and peasants' associations in the communes has been re The Party Central Committee and the Government have adjusted. rigorously reviewed these errors and shortcomings and drawn up This is a great victory which opens the way for our plans resolutely to correct them with a view to uniting the peasants to build a life with enough food and clothing, and cadres and the people, stabilizing the countryside and promot- brings a valuable contribution to the economic rehabilita- I production tion and development, and the consolidation of the North We have to correct such shortcomings as: not relying into a solid base for the struggle to reunify our country. fully on the poor and landless peasants, not uniting closely 190 191 ==========第94页========== with the middle peasants, and not establishing a sincere The people should frankly criticize and help the cadres alliance with the rich peasants. in their work. The status of those who have been wrongly classified Cadres at zonal and provincial Levels should give prac as landlords or as rich peasants should be reviewed. Heal assistance to cadres of district and commune so that Party membership, rights, and honour should be t heir work and production may have good results. restituted to Party members, cadres and others who have Unity is our invincible force. In order to consolidate been wrongly convicted. the North into a solid base for the struggle to reunify our With regard to landlords, we should abide by the 8 eountry, our entire people should be closely and widely point regulation when dealing with them, pay attention to united on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance in the those landlords who have taken part in the Resistance andsupported the revolution, or those whose children are enrol- Viet Nam Fatherland Front. It is all the more necessaryfor veteran and new cadres of the Party and Government to led in the army or working as cadres. assume identity of ideas, to be united and single-minded erroneously estimated, a re-adjustment is required,veWherever land area and production output hay been and to compete to serve the people. All the cadres and people should closely unite around The correction of errors should be resolute and planned. the Party and Government, and endeavour to emulate with What can be corrected immediately should be dealt one another in making our democratic countryside happier with without delay. What cannot be corrected forthwith and more prosperous. should be done in combination with the checking-up operation. Greet of affection and unity It is, necessary to further the achievements we have August I8, I956 made, and at the same time resolutely to right the wrongs committed At present, the people have become masters of thecountryside they should therefore be closely united, enthusiastically engage in production, develop and consolidatethe mutual aid teams, etc. in order to become wealthierday after day and to contribute to the enriching of ourpeople and the strengthening of our country. Cadres should endeavour to study general culture andpolitics, to set an example in work and production, and ina practical way take care of the people's living conditions 192 材们M 193 ==========第95页========== It is known to everybody that socialism has become aatrong world system. The policy of peace has gained theaupport of more and more countries. Ine peace area is in-teasingly expanding. The movement for national liberationie on the upsurge. Aggressive colonialism is disintegrating. In a word, the international situation is in our favour. This does not mean however that the aggressive Imperialists have desisted from their manceuvres to sabotage ace: therefoore our people and the peoples of the worldahould unceasingly heighten their vigilance. APPEAL ON THE OCCASION OF NATIONAL DAY In the last two years, our country has succeeded inmaintaining peace. This victory is due to the effort andstruggle of our people, the support of peace-loving people Dear fellow-countrymen, in the worldl, and also partly to the endeavour of the Inter On the occasion of the IIth anniversary of the Nation national Commission for Supervision and Control presided al Day, that glorious historic day on which our people were over by India freed from slavery, recovered independence and began to Since the restoration of peace, in spite of many diffi build up the Democratic Republic of viet Nam, on behalf eulties, we have recorded many achievements in the North of the Party and Government, I extend affectionate greet Land reform has been successfully completed in the L ings to main, over eight million labouring peasants having received Compatriots at home and abroad Cadres and people regrouped from South Viet Nam, land. They have become the masters of the countryside andthe work exchange movement is expanding. Armymen and people' s police, Model workers, cadres and public employees, Thanks to the sacrifice and efforts of the workers, we Old people, youth, and children, have rehabilitated former enterprises and built a number of I sympathetically comfort the wounded and sick army new factories. Security and order have been maintained, men, and ask after the soldiers'and war martyrs'families the number of schools has increased and masass education On behalf of the Vietnamese people, I also thank our work has strongly developed. brother countries for their wholehearted assistance in the Our compatriots in the North-West and in Viet Bac past as at present. have successfully founded two autonomous regions On this occasion, I would like to briefly report the Despite great difficulties and hardships, the people of present situation to you South Viet Nam have kept up the heroic struggle for ==========第96页========== democratic freedoms and national reunification; indeed Resolutely struggle for the re-establishment of they deserve the title of Bronze wall of the Fatherlandd normal relations between North and South Viet Nam, and In the diplomatic field, we have further tightened our advance to the reunification of the country. relations with the brother countries and promoted friendship with neighbouring countries These are the important achievements our people have To fulfil these tasks, we should be more widely united recorded in the past two years in the Fatherland Front Cadres should be united and single-minded, maintainauch virtues as industriousness, thriftiness, integrity, and However, besides these great achievements, a number righteousness firmly stand against bureaucracy corrup- of major errors and shortcomings have been committed but t ion and waste devotedly serve the people strictly carry we are resolved to correct them, and we shall succeed in out Government policies and State laws. doing so. All the strata of our people workers, peasants Our immediate job is to strive for the completion of intellectuals, industrialists and traders, and minority the following main tasks to consolidate the North and make peoples- everyone should fulfil his duty as a citizen, as it stronger, and to struggle firmly for the correct implementa master of the country help the authorities maintain secu tion of the Geneva Agreement by the other side to reunify rity and order strengthen unity, assist and supervise the the country. cadres in promoting all work. For this purpose, we should Our people are a mighty force. -Resolutely correct any errors, such as those Our regime is full of vitality. committed in land reform and in the readjustment of Our government is an excellent one organization i The whole of our people from North to South are Perfect and develop the democratic regime i closely united, confident and single-minded in their perse- Emulate in successfully fulfilling the I956 State vering struggle, they enjoy the generous assistance and the Plan j aupport and sympathy of the brother countries. All Resolutely improve the people's living conditions difficulties will certainly be overcome. Our country will step by step, first and foremost those of workers, armymen, certainly be reunified. cadres, and public employees; Long live a peaceful, unified, independent, demo- Resolutely struggle against the manceuvres of the eratic, prosperous and strong Viet Nam! U.S. imperialists and their agents to undermine the Geneva Agreement and to permanently partition our country September 2, I956 196 197 ==========第97页========== our people in order to retrieve the casualties created infrance by th y e war While the war was on, the socialist revolution in Russia broke out and s ded After the war, the imperialists strove to foster the German, Italian and Japanese fascist forces with the aimof urging them to defeat the Soviet Union. But theimperialist countries were the first to be attacked by thefascists. And this was the beginning of World War II EXCERPT FROM THE SPEECH AT At that time, new weapons such as airplanes and THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE tanks were well developed, and the United States beganto use atomic bombs in Japan. As a result there were tens VIET NAM YOUTH UNION of millions of people killed, thousands of towns and citiesand tens of thousands of countryside places entirely I cordially greet the whole youth to be united,to destroyed. In this Second World War, our youths wereused as cannon fodder by the French colonialists; and struggle, be bold, cheerful and ceaselessly to progress in our people's property was ransacked by them order to help in the building of a peaceful, unified, indeendent, democratic, prosperous and strong Viet Nam. In both world wars, American capitalists took advan Here are the experiences drawn from my young days tage of the difficult situation of other countries to tradeand get rich, first in the supply of weapons. That is Experiences in the world situation; why the United States became the ringleader of the warlike imperialist camp. I have witnessed two world wars. In World War I, The first experience is: War only leads the people in spite of the lack of development of the technique of throughout the world to death and misery that is why airplanes and tanks, the belligerents suffered heavy losses the people all over the world, first of all the youth, must Eight to nine years afterwards, the pre-war situation had unite to struggle against war and to safeguard peace not been restored During the past forty years, besides witnessing two During the war, tens of thousands of our youths were great wars, the world has undergone very great changes. forced by the French colonialists to go to the front. A Thirty nine years ago, there existed in the world only great number of them went but never came back. After the domination of capitalist and imperialist countries over the war the French colonialists high-handedly exploited colonies and semi-colonies 198 199 ==========第98页========== From I9I7, after the triumph of the socialist revolu- The youth are particularly interested in education; tion in russia. one sixth of the earth was liberated from yet theere driven by the imperialists into darke capitalism and feudalism anew regime was built, a regime when their service was required, they were given an where man was no longer exploited by man. But at that enslaved education. The French themselves recognized time it was a socialist regime newly built in a very that opium-dens were more numerous than schools. For isolated country, attacked by fourteen imperialist countries instance, in I944 there were only 534, 600 pupils in (headed by the United States, Great Britain and France) primary schools, 7,000 pupils in secondary schools, The Soviet Union succeeded, and the imperialists failed,thanks to the unity of its people. including Cambodian, Laotian, French and Indian pupils For ten years, the great family of the socialist regime and 6r8 students in higher educational establishments has increased in number rising from one to I2 countries, The whole country had only about 540, 000 pupils including the Democratic Republic of viet Na fore than &o per cent of our population were illiterate. 200 million to more than goo million people. In spite of many difficulties in economy and finance Thirteen Asian and African countries, formerly due to the colonialist regime and the years of war colonies or semi-colonies, have now been liberated and North Viet Nam has ths year; have become independent and free, including great coun 750,000 primary pupils, not including more than tries such as China, India, etc, All these countries are in 4oo,ooo pupils in infant-schools the camp for peace comprising I, 500 million people, thatis more than a half of the population of the world. The 58, ooo pupils in secondary schooles, majority of them are young people 6, 500 pupils in high schools The second experience is Imperialism is weakening 3, goo students in higher educational establishments the socialist and peaceful forces are becoming stronger and II, ooo students in vocational schools stronger. A total of 829,400 Experiences in the internal situation: In the first half of this year alone, 4Io, ooo of our Twelve years ago, our country was in turn ruled b compatriots were freed from illiteracy. And at the end of the French colonialists and Japanese imperialists. Our this year, the population in many communes and towns people were oppressed and exploited they were very will know how to read and write the greater part of this miserable and in a shameful situation. Whoever spoke of ine result is the achievement of our youth. patriotism,unity and freedom was arrested, imprisoned, If there were not the American-Diem fascist regime exiled or killed; the youths and even the old men were in South Viet Nam, our people and first of all our youth, not spared. During scores of years of revolutionary strug. would make further progress in every respect, and this gle, many youths heroically sacrificed themselves. progress would be more satisfactory. 200 201 ==========第99页========== o The experience is: From being an oppressed and belief of Party members and Youth Leaguers that, in spite exploited colony, North Viet Nam became completely of the mostly difficult and dangerous situation and of the liberated, and now has a democratic republican regime. arrest and sacrifice of many comrades, the Party and the Our people are the masters of their country. The task of League continued to develop more and more strongly. It is our youth is to unite in the struggle, support our regime, thanks to the education and fostering of the Party and the and enthusiastically contribute to national reunification League that many fighters and young heroes blossomed inthe August Revolution, in the Resistance war waged by the Personal experiences: entire people and are still doing so in the present nationalonstruction When I was your age, the situation in the worldand in our country was very dark as described above. The experience is: At that time the youth and I were oppressed andexploited like all our compatriots Compared with the former young generation of Distressed by the enslavement of our country, I went which I was a part, the present youth are making greaterprogress and are happier. abroad, and did many jobs to earn my living in order to At present, the youth are citizens of an independent embark on the revolutionary path. Even when I was over and free Viet Nam, having their own Party, League, admi 25, I did not yet know what the Party was, what the nistration, Front and army, and are the future masters of league was, and I had to waste much time getting to the country. know about them. At present, not only the youth butalso children of ten years upwards know about the It is because they are the future masters that theymust be closely united, struggle heroically, overcome Party and the League, and understand many other works. y difficulty, and emulate in the building of a It is thanks to the influence of the October Revolution eautiful country - a peaceful, united, independent and the Chinese Revolution that the revolutionary move democratic, prosperous and strong Viet Nam -in order ment in our country developed more strongly, and the to lead it in future Party and the Youth League were founded -at that time I have just summed up my experiences. I was over 35. The Party and League had to work under- In conclusion I greet the Congress and wish it every ground for many years. The enemy harshly and continually success; I send my cordial greetings of unity and pro used terrorizing methods. Many comrades gloriously sacri gress to the whole youth at home and abroad ficed themselves for the Fatherland, the people and therevolution It is thanks to the correctness of the Party's political October I5, I956 line and policy, and the determination, courage and firm 202 203 ==========第100页========== two years of peaceful construction, in the Army, in enterprises, on construction sites, in the countryside, in officesand at schools, our youth have struggled enthusiasticallyto make their worthy contribution to the Resistance warand national construction of the entire people The Party and the Government can be proud of havintrained a valiant young generation such as you who, it ishoped, will enthusiastically continue the struggle fornational defence and construction For the last two years, the youth have made stren EXCERPT FROM THE SPEECH AT uous efforts and achieved pretty good deeds in every work. THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE But due to mistakes and shortcomings committed in land VIET NAM LABOUR YOUTH UNION* reform and organisational readjustment the Party and the Union have suffered heavy losses. Therefore, at present thecorrection of mistakes has become emergency work of first Delegates, importance. Nieces and nephews Being the right arm of the Party in the implementationrevolutionary lines and policies, the Labour Youth Youth Delegates from friendly countries Union will do everything in its power to fulfil its task in The recent National Congress of the Viet Nam Youth carrying out the foregoing work. League gained satisfactory successes. I hope thatthis timethe National Congress of the Viet Nam Labour Youth In correcting mistakes, we must have determination, Union will be brilliantly successful. I am confident that brave difficulties, avoid impatience, and oppose pessimism. from now on, our youth movement will progress unceas The Union must consolidate its organization, practise ingly like blossoming Spring and the rising sun close inner unity, and widely unite with other strata of During the period of underground revolutionary youth. agitations, in the years of patriotic war and for the last In this way we are certain to overcome difficultiescorrect mistakes, and develop achievements From now on, the Central Committee and the various es The Viet Nam National Salvation Youth Union held its Second National Congress from October 25 to November 4, 1956. The Congres levels of local Party branches will pay more attention to summed up the experiences gained from the Union's activities, and discussed the Unions activities in order to develop its vanguard role new tasks. It took the de on to change the Union's name into Viet Nam Labour youth Union, and revised its statute. in every aspect. 204 205 ==========第101页========== As to the Union, it must study and devise many The youth must bear this advice in mind and put it adequate forms and methods to widely and firmly unite into practice they must fulfil their tasks and overtake and organize the youth for the fulfilment of the tasks the youth of friendly countries given them by the Party and the Government, such as The Youth Delegates coming from brother countries correction of mistakes, increase of production, economic to attend this Congress have brought the warm internation- rehabilitation, cultural development, consolidation of the al friendship and invaluable experiences to the Vietnamese North, winning over the South, struggle for national youth. These are some examples reunification, etc. Apart from other works, the Soviet Union youth To fulfil the foregoing tasks, the Union must have have reclaimed 35,500, 000 hectares of virgin land(that lose and wide relations with other strata of youth. It must in to say fifteen times the acreage under cultivation in be concerned about the life, work and study of the youth, North Viet Nam) in three years. Due to this effort must not be narrow-minded and must not live secludedly foodstuffs in the Soviet Union have become more and must ward off prejudices. It must practise genuine abundant unity and co-operation with the youth in the viet Nam The Chinese youth and pioneers have planted tens of Youth League. millions of hectares of forest, thus not only protecting land To consolidate and develop the Union, all its members f rom sand storms, but also increasing national wealth and must set good examples: beautifying their Fatherland. They must firmly maintain their revolutionary The French youth whose representatives, comrades virtues: modesty, industriousness, enthusiasm and heroism. Henry Martin and Raymond Dien, are present in this They must avoid conceit and self-interestedness and must Congress, braving imprisonment and exile, have struggled not be arrogant or rest on their past laurels. heroically for peace in Viet Nam, for the honour of the -They must be in the van in every work. To be in french people and for friendly relations between the the van means to be first to go forward, first to work in t wo peoples. order to involve the masses in the movement and not to The youth of democratic Korea and Germany are no separate from them. cnN heroic. They must endeavour to study to raise their political, On this occasion, on behalf of the Vietnamese people cultural and professional levels in order to make conti and youth, I present you my thankful greetings. nuous progress and be ready to become good cadres and Affectionately I wish the Congress good success. Party members. I wish you all unity and continuous progress. They must do physical training to become healthy. Only with good health can they consistently take part in ovember 2, I956 work useful to the nation and beneficial to the people. ∠06 207 ==========第102页========== Every worker must realise that during the last decadesour Party, working class and people have been waging arevolutionary struggle to expel the imperialists and coloni-alists, overthrow feudalism, in order to enable the peoplein general and the working class in particular to wrest backthe right to be masters of the country. Then, as masters of the country, how should thebeehave The workers must realise that their future and that of SPEECH AT THE thcir enterprises are one. They should understand that the TRADE-UNION SCHOOI enterprises are theirs; that they are masters of their country in general, and of the enterprises in particular; theirfuture is closely associated with the development of the enterprises How should each worker behave with respect to the shall briefly deal with a few points: State 2 I- The trade-unions must make propaganda for the This regime is ours, we must protect it. The Democra Party general line and policies, because ours is a party of tic Republic of viet Nam State is ours, we must safeguard the proletariat, its general line is national and class libera- it. We should oppose, either by words or by deeds, whoever tion. Without the Party leadership, the working class can infringes upon our State and our regime. not carry out the Revolution, and inversely without the What next 2 working class, the Party is powerless. The Party is thevanguard of the working class and of the nation as well Workers must understand that Labour is glory Formerly we worked for the capitalists, the feudalists and Therefore, the trade-unions must understand and the imperialists. Workers in South Viet Nam are still com make the workers understand that without the Party leader pelled to do so. But now we work for ourselves. Any occupa ship, the workers cannot bring the Revolution to victor fore, the general policies of the Party must be widely tion useful to the country, the people and the working class,is glorious. Whether you are a cook, a sweeper or a presi- and deeply popularised among the working class. dent, you have to work, any job useful to the country and 2 The trade-unions must educate the workers in the people is is glorious. proletarian virtues and revolutionary ethics What are proletarian virtues and revolutionary ethics? The fruit of our labour is the property of the nationand the people; it belongs to us, and to the collective. I4 HCM 209 ==========第103页========== The people, especially the working class, ought to protect the material and cultural life of the working class in parti it. To this effect, we must fight corruption and waste. cular and that of the people in general. Is this enough Now our workers are hoping for an increase in their Not yet, as masters of the enterprises and the country, wages. Is it a legitimate hope Yes. But if their wages the workers must voluntarily observe labour discipline, To double whereas costs are high, it would come to nothing. It come late to work and stop working ahead of time is not is not possible to eat much meat when you rear only a the behaviour of the masters of enterprises and of the State. few pigs. It would not do either if, among enthusiastic workers there The trade unions must understand and expla remain a few sluggards To observe labour discipline we the workers the latter must understand and explain to the must foster an enthusiastic and creative spirit You know people that we must both increase production and practise what